PBS: Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly - Information, transcripts, and forum related to television series on religious and ethical issues. - http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/
NPR: Religion - Recent National Public Radio news and feature stories on diverse religious matters. - http://www.npr.org/templates/topics/topic.php?topicId=1016
BosNewsLife - Budapest-based Internet news agency offers reports on Christians and Jews living in difficult circumstances or facing persecution around the world. - http://www.bosnewslife.com/
The Revealer - A daily review of religion in the media. - http://www.therevealer.org/
Earthpages - Headlines from around the world for all paths of spirituality. Also offers reader commentaries. - http://web.ncf.ca/dy656/earthpages/
ABC: Religion & Ethics - Coverage of religious news worldwide, and information on religious radio and TV programming from Australia's national non-commercial broadcaster. - http://www.abc.net.au/religion/
ACFnewsource - A nonprofit organization specializing in research, development and production of news stories on substantive issues, including religion, for commercial radio and television. - http://www.acfnewsource.org/archive/religion.html
Hartley Film Foundation - Provides educational video programs on world religions and related topics. - http://www.hartleyvideos.org
Religious News Online - A weblog of news and commentary concerning the various world religions. - http://www.sweenytod.com/rno/
Parabola Magazine - A quarterly print magazine about the study of the myths, rituals, symbols, and arts of the world's spiritual traditions. - http://www.parabola.org/
Buzzle.com: Philosophy and Religion - Offers resources, information, and articles related to Philosophy and Religion. - http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/philosophy-and-religion.asp
BBC: Religion and Ethics - Information about the UK's main religions, daily religion news, audio on demand and the BBC's religious programming. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/
Spiritual Spectrum TV Series - Topics from meditation to medicide, from love to capital punishment, from atheism to Christianity, from vegetarianism to life after death. RealVideo files of 14 years of programming. - http://www.spiritualspectrum.org/
Spiritual World - Overviews and dialogs about many world religions. - http://www.spiritualworld.org
News releases from Worldwide Faith News - A searchable, browsable database of full text official news releases and other documents, including policy statements, from the news offices of national and world faith groups. - http://www.wfn.org
onReligion.com - Subscription-based service providing summaries and links to selected news stories about religion. Updated each weekday. Based on articles from 40 - 45 English-language newspapers in the United States and several other countries. - http://www.onreligion.com/