Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu [Dao De Jing by Lao Zi] - J. Lau's compilation of three side-by-side translations by J. Legge, D. T. Suzuki and Paul Carus, and Dwight Goddard and Henri Borel. Also included is the Chinese text, each character with a drop-down menu with English definitions. - http://www.yellowbridge.com/onlinelit/daodejing.html
Tao Te Ching - A translation by J.H. McDonald, with hyperlinked table of contents. - http://www.abuddhistlibrary.com/Buddhism/H%20-%20World%20Religions%20and%20Poetry/World%20Religions/Taoism/The%20Tao%20Te%20Ching/J.H.%20McDonald%20Translation/Tao%20Te%20Ching-%20Mcdonald.htm
Book of the Forest Path - A new rendition of the Tao Te Ching by Crispin Sartwell. This site also includes Crispin's reviews of other translations. - http://www.crispinsartwell.com/taoteching.htm
Tao Teh King - Translation was the predecessor of one which Dwight Goddard placed into later editions of the Buddhist Bible. - http://www.taotechingtaoism.com/textTaoTeChingTaoTehKing.htm
Stan Rosenthal's Tao Teh Ching - Introduction and translation by Rosenthal. - http://www.religiousworlds.com/taoism/ttcstan2.html
Taoism Information Page - Several on-line translations of the classic of the way. - http://www.religiousworlds.com/taoism/ttc-list.html
Center Tao: Tao Te Ching Commentary - Translation and commentary by Carl Abbott, founder of Center Tao in Santa Cruz, California. - http://www.centertao.org/commentary.php
Tao Te Ching - Book of Wisdom - Hilmar Klaus provides translations of the Dao De Jing in German and English. He also includes the Chinese characters for the Guodian, Mawangdui and Wang Bi versions as well as the PinYin spellings. - http://www.tao-te-king.org/
Tau Teh Ching - Line by line comparisons of 24 translations of the Tao Te Ching. - http://www.wayist.org/ttc%20compared/indexchp.htm
Laozi Debate - A 1998 article in Archeology magazine by Spencer P.M. Harrington on the discovery of the Guodian text of the Dao De Jing. - http://www.archaeology.org/9811/newsbriefs/laozi.html
Laozi - An article in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Alan Chan of the National University of Singapore on the Dao De Jing: its origins, various ancient texts and commentaries. - http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/laozi/
About the Tao - Translations and commentaries on some chapters including Chinese characters for each. - http://www.thetao.info
Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching - Translation by A. S. Kline. - http://www.tonykline.co.uk/PITBR/Chinese/TaoTeChing.htm
Dao Is Open - Translations with commentaries by Nina Correa. Site also includes the Seal Script characters used in the Guodian Laozi with English definitions, and a Taoist discussion forum. - http://www.daoisopen.com/LaozisDaoDeJing.html
The Tao of Systems - "Ancient Systems Thinking in China and Its Application in Chinese Life" by Yi Lin. An essay on scientific applications of the Tao Te Ching to the systematic wholeness of life. - http://www.newciv.org/ISSS_Primer/asem02yl.html
The Authorship of the Tao Te Ching - John J. Emerson explores the possibilities of authorship based on the theories of other philosophers of the time as well as historical events. - http://www.idiocentrism.com/china.author.htm
The Tao Te Ching / Tao Te Chip - Sorensen's humorous transliteration which encorporates computer-ese, based loosely on the English translation by Steven Mitchell. - http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/92q2/taote.html
The Tao and the Te - "Fundamentals of Taoism and Mind in General" explores the connection of the Tao Te Ching to neurological patterns in the brain, by C. J. Lofting. - http://members.ozemail.com.au/~ddiamond/intao.html
Heidegger and the Tao Te Ching - A Brief Comparison of Martin Heidegger's "Being and Time" with Peter Merel's translation by David York. - http://www.ferrum.edu/philosophy/taoteheid.htm
The Tao Te Ching - Using the Feng/English version, Masahito Koishikawa compares chapters of the Tao Te Ching with passages from the Bible. - http://www.actus.org/laotzu.html
The Way of the Universe - Translated by John Louis Albert Trottier. - http://soli.com/dao1.htm
Tao Te Ching Interpreted Succinctly - Based on a translation by Ursula Le Guin, Anthony Judge presents one-line synopses for each chapter. Site also contains extensive commentaries. - http://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs00s/taote1.php
New Equations Tao Te Ching - By Alan Sheets and Barbara Tovey, who have grouped the chapters into nine personality types. - http://www.newequations.com/taoteching.html
Welcome The Tao Te Ching - A work in progress by Darkchilde, including commentaries on various English translations. - http://www.bookmice.net/darkchilde/spirit/tao.html
Exploring Ancient World Cultures - Reflections on the Tao Te Ching, an essay by Mike Carson. - http://eawc.evansville.edu/essays/carson.htm
Laozi (Lao Tzu) - Commentaries on the Dao De Jing by Tony Barnstone and Chou Ping, including translations of some chapters. - http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/laozi.html
Dao De Jing - Tao Te Ching - Interpolation by Tormod Kinnes, based on the English versions of Lin Yutang, Arthur Waley and Wing-tsit Chan. - http://oaks.nvg.org/re3ra3.html
Dao De Jing - The Way and its Power - Chinese text based on the Wang Bi version. English: Arthur Waley and D. C. Lau. French: Stanislas Julien. German: Richard Wilhelm. - http://afpc.asso.fr/wengu/wg/wengu.php?l=Daodejing#a3
The Flow and Power of Good - The first 10 chapters translated and adapted by Sonja Elen Kisa. - http://www.kisa.ca/daodejing.html
Laozi Daodejing - English and German translations featuring Chinese text as GIFs. Each character is linked to a dictionary and includes Seal Script characters. - http://home.debitel.net/user/wulf.dieterich/index.html
Daosim Depot - Over a dozen different translations. - http://www.edepot.com/taotext.html
Hermetica.info - An archive of texts translated by Bradford Hatcher. - http://www.hermetica.info/
Pathless path, nameless name - A brief look at translation difficulties with the Dao De Jing. - http://www.logoi.com/notes/laozi.html
Way and Power Book - By Sanderson Beck, as included in the Wisdom Bible. - http://www.san.beck.org/Laotzu.html
Crowley's Tao Teh King - Translation and personal introduction by Aleister Crowley. - http://deoxy.org/taowley.htm
Comments on the Tao Te Ching - Translational information and comparison, based on D. C. Lau's translation. - http://www.friesian.com/taote.htm
Chad Hansen's Tao Te Ching - Chad Hansen's translation of the Tao Te Ching - http://www.hku.hk/philodep/courses/EWEthics/ttc.htm
Zhongwen - Rick Harbaugh's Chinese text of the Tao Te Ching, hyperlinked to definitions of Chinese characters and to an English translation. - http://zhongwen.com/dao.htm