Taoism Information Page - Taoist sources and knowledge, other chinese philosophy links. - http://www.religiousworlds.com/taoism/index.html
Taoism Directory - Directory of sites with content related to Taoism and Taoist issues. - http://www.taoism-directory.org
A Personal Tao - A modern examination of Taoism. Offers a guide in self exploration and discovery through a combination of art, poetry and literature. - http://www.personaltao.com/
Lao Tzu - Selections from the Tao Ching, (The Book of Changes). - http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/CHPHIL/LAOTZU.HTM
Taoism for Newbies - Taoist Philosophy(not religion) for everyone. (Flash required) - http://thiamteck.beplaced.com/tao4newbies/
Taoism Depot (Daoism Depot) - Taoist site for beginners and practicianers alike. A collection of Tao Te Ching translations and a discussion forum for those interested in the subject. - http://www.edepot.com/taoism.html
Siu Tao - Exploring the Tao. Includes both philosophical and religious Taoism as well as a discussion forum. - http://english.siutao.com/
Rising Phoenix Tai Chi & Qigong - Our aim is to provide information for the exploration and investigation of these ancient Taoist exercise systems for health, meditation & martial arts. - http://www.shibashi.com
Center for Daoist Studies - Mission statement, reading list, scriptures, handbooks, articles, and links. - http://www.daoistcenter.org/
Taoism - Beliefnet.com - Multifaith website, providing information, articles, and other interactive resources. Includes basic information, audio clips, and discussion topics. - http://www.beliefnet.com/index/index_10037.html
Tao's Culture Center - Lectures, seminars, book publishing, and periodicals provided in an effort to propagate Chinese Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. - http://taosculture.org/
Taoism and the Taoist Arts - A general introduction to Taoism and related arts, such as T'ai Chi, Meditation, Martial Arts and Herbalism. - http://www.taoistarts.net
Barefoot Doctor - Pop Taoism? Sort of. Walk the Tao with the Barefoot Doctor. - http://www.barefootdoctorglobal.com/
The Daoism-Taoism Philosophy - The Taoism Philosophy is the Tao (Way) of Lao Tzu professed in his only book which is commonly known as Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) - http://www.daoism.net/
Tao Webring - Tao Philosophy Sites - http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=tao2
Taoism and the Arts of China - Art Institute of Chicago presents Taoism, history, and related historical works. - http://www.artic.edu/taoism/menu.php
China, Taoism and Religions - A philosophy, a religion and the basis for Chinese Medicine, Taoism represents the wisdom accumulated over Chinese history and promotes harmony among beings and nature. - http://www.index-china.com/index-english/Taoism%20and%20A%20Few%20Words.html
Daily Tao - New Taoism quote each weekday plus links to Taoist sites. - http://nauticom.net/www/asti/asti.htm
Taoism Initiation Page - Provides teachings on Taoism and related concepts like tao, yin-yang, wu, wu-wei and the I-ching. Includes online courses. - http://www.taopage.org/
Panlatrevo - Religious philosophy resources and discussions on religion, spirituality, atheism and freethought. Centers on Taoist philosophy. - http://www.panlatrevo.com/
Healing Tao USA Site - Healing Tao USA is a private Educational Trust. It operates Healing Tao University and the HealingTaoUSA.com website and fulfillment center that sells a wide variety of Tao products. - http://www.healingtaousa.com/
Chad Hansen's Chinese Philosophy Page (Taoist Interpretations) - This site contains segments of an extended interpretive theory of Classical Chinese philosophy that takes Taoism as the philosophical center. The interpretive theory turns on a new, more philosophical reading of the Taoist philosopher Zhuangzi (ChuangTzu) - http://www.hku.hk/philodep/ch/
Daoist Philosophy - Various Taoist thoughts and philosophical discussion. - http://www.hku.hk/philodep/ch/Daoindex.html
Chinese Culture - Promoting Taoism as a philosophy. - http://www.openface.ca/~dstephen/chphil.htm
Taoism at religioustolerance. - Includes an overview of Taoism and its history. - http://www.religioustolerance.org/taoism.htm
True Tao Home Page - I-Kuan Tao in English, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and other great philosophers, monthly columns, articles on Tao teachings, stories and translations. - http://www.truetao.org/
Tchan and the Phoenix-Friends - An introduction in Tchan and Tibetan Taoism. Cha'an and the Melchisedek-Order, to awakening and enlightment. - http://www.tchan.de/phoenix.htm
Zen Stories to Tell Your Neighbors - Don't let the title fool you, most of these stories are Taoist. - http://www.rider.edu/users/suler/zenstory/zenframe.html
Taoism and the Philosophy of Tai Chi Chuan - A summary of the growth of Taoism and information on deities and major figures in both religious and philosophical Taoism. - http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Philosophy/Taichi/taoism.html