Jan's Page - Channeling Nature, Devas, Angels & Spirit Guides
- Large collection of channeled nature spirits with many photos, high guidance from Auron'a and other spirit guides, meditations, workshops and contact information for Janet Dane of The Lightwork Centre.
- http://www.devas.org/
Angelic Connections - Discusses different types of angels. Offers angel stories, a discussion board, book store and links. - http://www.signet.bw/angelicconnections/
About the Elementals - A description of elemental beings and how they differ from faeries. - http://www.crystal-forest.com/elementalbeings.html
Fairy And Human Relations Congress - Annual gathering of humans and fairies to improve relations between the races and assist one other with planetary healing. - http://www.fairycongress.com
Devas- Many Pathways to Nature - An article by Christan Hummel "Many Pathways to Nature," one of a series on these nature spirits. - http://www.earthtransitions.com/devas.htm
Ayreans FairyLand - Offers meditative insights as well as calendar of sabats and explanation of the runes used by faeries. Also some faery graphics and a gallery. - http://www.ayreans-lore.myfoolmoon.com/fairy.html
Nature Spirits, Devas, Elementals, Trees - Explains nature devas, how the elemental kingdom works, gnomes, and the tree of life. - http://www.crystalinks.com/nature_spirits.html
Perelandra - Center for Nature Research - Extensive information on nature gardening, flower essences, events, books, tapes, and other topics. - http://www.perelandra-ltd.com/