A Contemporary View of the World of the Fair Folk - Modern descriptions of the world of the Celtic sea god Manannan Mac Lir, and the associated faerie lineages of gods, mages, bards, artists, and warriors. - http://www.faerie-world.org
FaeriePrints.com - Original faerie art by Nedda Angelina Shishegar. - http://www.faerieprints.com
The Faery Tradition - A variety of faery information and links. - http://www.stormloader.com/moonfire/index7.html
The Witches Way - A large list with descriptions of fae and related creatures. - http://www.witchesway.net/links/fairy/index.html
The Glistening Pixie - Frequently asked faery questions, images, links,and a directory. - http://www.glisteningpixie.com/
Faeries and Other Wee Folk - Favorite plants, names, superstitions, interests, and poems. - http://www.foundus.com/faerie/index.html
Fiona's Faerie Cottage - Fiona's Faerie Cottage is an online catalog of faerie jewelry, figurines and gifts. - http://www.fairycottage.com
Lavendise - A center for networking fae all over the world and a place for self discovery. - http://www.lavendise.com/
Witch Eye - An occasional e-zine offering art, lore and discussions, inspired by Victor and Cora Anderson's feri tradition of witchcraft. - http://www.feritradition.org/witcheye
The Faery Crossing - Offers an A to Z list of faeries, fae gods and goddess's, sightings, care and feeding, and how to summon a faery. - http://www.thefaerycrossing.com
Faery Faith - The official homepages for the faery faith and faery wicca books by Kisma Stepanich, about the Irish faery faith tradition as practiced in America. - http://faeryfaith.org
cyberfae :: a faerie community - Community for lovers and scholars of the fae and those interested in faery lore. - http://www.cyberfae.com
T. Thorn Coyle - Feri tradition priestess offers: workshop descriptions, travel schedule, music, writings and philosophy. - http://www.thorncoyle.com
PookLaRoux's Faerie FAQ - Collection of information about modern faery traditions. - http://www.pooklaroux.com/faefaq.html
Francesca De Grandis - A faery shaman trained by Victor Anderson. - http://www.well.com/user/zthirdrd/vita.html
Church of the Spiral Tree - Incorporated in August 1997 to provide a legal, tax-exempt status to those of the faerie faith in Alabama, and the larger community. - http://www.spiraltree.org/
My Take on the Faery Faith - Robert S. Bitting's personal view of his own discovery of the faery paths and what they mean. - http://covenantofrhiannon.faithweb.com/faerie.htm
Faerywolf - Rituals and essays on the practices of paganism from the perspective of a teacher of the craft, and initiate of the feri tradition. - http://www.faerywolf.com
Covenant of Rhiannon Community - A welsh faerie tradition coven, located in Cape May, NJ. - http://covenantofrhiannon.org/
Wild Muse - Includes writings, graphics and products relating mainly to dark faeries. - http://www.wildmuse.net/faerie/gate.html
The Very Faery Shoppe - Offers faery and celtic historical resources and folklore, entertainment for faery lovers looking to connect, and related on-line shopping. - http://www.veryfaery.com
Welsh Faerie Tradition - Y Tylwyth Teg is a welsh faerie witchcraft tradition. - http://www.tylwythteg.com/welsh1.html
3rd Road Faery Tradition - Presents the tradition taught by author Francesca De Grandis. - http://www.well.com/user/zthirdrd