Jehovahs Witness Discussion Forum - Homepage
- The place to discuss anything relating to Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society... or just make new friends!
Resources Concerning the "Jehovah's Witnesses" Organization - A resource page provided by Restoration Light Bible Study Services. Topics include, but not limited to, Armageddon, Bible Students, Charles Taze Russell, ransom, Watchtower history, blood transfusions, organization. -
Ex-Cult Newsletter, "Out of the Cocoon" - This is the home of the free monthly newsletter, "Out of the Cocoon," which helps former cult members deal with the emotional devastation of leaving any highly toxic organization or dysfunctional environment, particularly Jehovah's Witnesses. - - An educational audio and video enabled site focusing on news regarding the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses). -
Towerwatch Ministries - Helping Christians both reach Jehovah's Witnesses with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses through the processes of leaving the Watchtower organization. -
Giving a Voice to a Voiceless Community - Former and current Jehovah Witnesses recount experiences with being disfellowshipped or reprimanded. -
Diane Wilson - Author's website includes information about and reviews of her book "Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape From the Watchtower Society," chapter excerpt, biographical information including photos, events calendar of personal appearances, radi -
Silent Lambs (Young Watchtower Victims) - Do Jehovah's Witnesses protect child molesters? A "silentlamb" is a person who has been discouraged from getting help when he or she has been molested or abused. - - EXJWS.NET is a community of survivors of the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witnesses). -
Watchtower Inside - This site keeps an eye on the Watchtower Society and members calling themselves Jehovah's Witnesses. As the name of the site indicates, it will tell you what's really inside the Watchtower Society. -
Jehovah's Witnesses, menace to Muslim homes - Many Muslims are aware of failed Jehovah Witness prophecies; this page exposes these prophecies using scanned photostats of the Awake and Watchtower. -
Watchtower Information Service - Provides serious information about the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses: History, Dates, Blood, and Secret Books. -
Jehovah's Witnesses & Blood Transfusions - An important site dealing with all aspects of the blood transfusion issue, seeking reform of the Watchtower's ill-conceived blood policy which has resulted in countless tragic deaths. -
A Common Bond - San Francisco Chapter - International support system for gay & lesbian current and former Jehovah's Witnesses. -