Leaving Christianity
- Comprehensive set of links for atheists, agnostics, and former Christians, many annotated, collected by Steve Locks. With his own articles.
- http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~slocks/decon.html
No Longer a Christian - CommonDreams.org essay by Karen Cobb, a former Christian and freelance writer and artist from Santa Fe, New Mexico, centers on opposition to the religious right. - http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1025-25.htm
Walk Away from Fundamentalism - Discussion and support forum for those who have left, or are in the process of leaving, fundamentalism. - http://www.aimoo.com/forum/freeboard.cfm?id=319472&NoCaches=Yes
Quotes from Ex-Christians - A page of quotes from ex-Christians, both signed and unsinged and some with links, concerning deconversion and related topics. - http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~slocks/quotes.html
Losing My Religion - Ex-Christians Emery and Russ present dozens of essays supporting those who leave the Christian faith along with FAQ, letters in support and opposition, and links to a selection of similar sites. - http://www.losingmyreligion.com/
The Highway.com: Commentaries of a 21st Century Heretic - In a collection of essays, Mark R. Braun, a Christian who chose "the highway" instead of "my way," comments against intolerance, exclusivism, and the agenda of the religious right, with link to his book of the same title. - http://mrblinehighway.com/
Exchristian.net - Extensive site with news items, submitted testimonies, discussion forums, videos, rants, and links. - http://exchristian.net
Secular E-Mail Lists and Discussion Groups - Carefully annotated links to more than twenty forums for ex-Christians and others pursuing secularism. - http://www.infidels.org/electronic/email/secular.html
Thomas Paine Archive - Online text of selected writings from the deist who helped inspire the American Revolution, including "The Age of Reason," which debunks the Bible. - http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/thomas_paine/
Trinity Foundation, Inc. - Christian organization investigates and reports on fraud in religious ministries including televangelism, with extensive links to news items. - http://www.trinityfi.org/
Celsus, the First Nietzsche: Resentment and the Case Against Christianity - University of Michigan English professor Thomas F. Bertonneau compares the critique of Christianity by 2nd century writer Celsus to the anti-Christianism of Nietzschie. From Anthropoetics, The Electronic Journal of Generative Anthropology, Summer 1997. - http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/anthropoetics/Ap0301/CELSUS.htm
Even If I Did Believe... - Californian, Gnostic priest and neo-pagan Tim Maroney offers 1984 essay disputing the morality of the Christian God. - http://tim.maroney.org/Essays/Even_If_I_Did_Believe.html
Christianity Meme - Christianity examined from the perspective of memetics, the study of viruses of the human mind. With related articles by Don Baker, Richard Baker, and others. - http://www.christianitymeme.org/
Some Thoughts About Theology - Contributed essays ranging from serious analysis to satirical profanity, with a brief annotated bibliography. - http://www.cyberdespot.com/thoughts/
The Unacceptable Cost of Religious Superstition - Brief page detailing the deaths of three children because their parents' religious beliefs caused them to withhold medical treatment. - http://www.deism.com/harrison.htm
Departure: Relinquishing the Christian Mythos - Dale Cannon offers alternate translations of passages such as the Sermon on the Mount, with non-theistic philosophy based on the Golden Rule. - http://www.nightowl.net/~dcannon/DEPARTRS.HTML
Skeptics Corner - Louis M. Cable offers series of articles on subjects such as the apostles Peter and Paul, the Book of Mormon, and whether Jesus ever lived. - http://home.inu.net/skeptic/
Yeshua (Jesus) and Judaism versus Paul and Christianity - Author Scott Nelson presents excerpts from book in progress including an argument that the apostle Paul did not found the true Church. - http://www.judaismvschristianity.com/
Truth Be Known - Classically educated author Acharya S offers links to numerous articles critical of Christianity and religion in general. - http://www.truthbeknown.com/