A Brief History of Covenant Theology - This article by R. Scott Clark traces the covenant concept from Reformation times, through the development in the scholastic period, until the rejection of much of classic Reformed covenant theology by Karl Barth. - http://www.wscal.edu/clark/briefhistorycovtheol.php
Works in the Mosaic Covenant - A survey of major covenant theologians, such as Turretin, Owen and Witsius. - http://www.upper-register.com/papers/works_in_mosaic_cov.pdf
PressieChurch.org - Articles and essays on covenant theology. - http://www.pressiechurch.org/
FORUM: On The Covenant - Links to a number of articles on covenant theology. - http://spindleworks.com/library/CR/covenant.htm
Heinrich Bullinger, the First Covenant Theologian - An article which draws on the writings of Bullinger to show his thoughts on the doctrine of the covenant. - http://www.cprf.co.uk/articles/covenant6.htm
Covenant Theology - An analysis of the covenants of grace, works and redemption. - http://www.mslick.com/covenant.htm