What Is Reformed Theology?
- A summary of the Reformed tradition, discussing its origin by Bullinger and Calvin and others, its distinguishing features and its influence on other denominations.
- http://reformedtheology.org/SiteFiles/WhatIsRT.html
World Alliance of Reformed Churches - Fellowship of more than 200 churches with roots in 16th-century Reformation. Based in Switzerland. - http://warc.jalb.de/warcajsp/side.jsp?news_id=2&part2_id=19&navi=8
Semper Reformanda - Links to a number of articles on Reformed theology. - http://www.semperreformanda.com/
Reformed Theology Resource Center - Links to documents on theology, especially soteriology, ecclesiology and bibliology. - http://www.rtrc.net/documents/theology.htm
Apostate Arminian - Articles and information concerning, scripture, God, and faith. - http://apostatearminian.com
Exiled Preacher - Theological comment from an evangelical & reformed perspective. - http://exiledpreacher.blogspot.com/
Highlands Study Center - A Reformed Presbyterian center with articles and links by director Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. - http://highlands.gospelcom.net/
Reformation Theology - Writings of a community of confessing believers from various backgrounds (Baptists, Presbyterians, Charismatic, Non-denominational) with solidarity in Reformed Theology. - http://www.reformationtheology.com
Statement of the Reformed Faith - A brief and non-technical statement by B. B. Warfield. - http://www.godsgwg.com/Godsgwg/FoFReformedFaith.htm
Reformed Theology - A page of over 40 links to articles on Reformed theology. - http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/topic/reformed.html
What is Reformed Christianity? - This site defines Reformed Christianity, and distinguishes it from other forms of Christianity. - http://www.mountainretreatorg.net/reading/article.cgi?id=55
Reformed-Presbyterian Family - A short description of Calvinism and the presbyterian and congregational forms of government. - http://jmahoney.com/reformed.htm
A Passion for Faith and Grace - Designed to encourage and help believers in their faith. - http://www.passionforgrace.org.uk
Introduction to the Reformed Faith - A pdf article covering classical Reformed doctrine as well some of its variations. - http://www.thirdmill.org/files/reformedperspectives/hall_of_frame/ST1_Introduction%20to%20the%20Reformed%20Faith.pdf
Sovereign Truth Ministries - Articles, books and links on Reformed doctrine. - http://home.earthlink.net/~calvinist/
Classic Articles of Reformed Theology - Links to the writings of over 40 authors (from Alexander to Witsius) of essays in the historic Christian faith from a classic Reformed perspective. - http://www.monergism.com/thethreshold/articles/classicarticles.html
Contra Mundum - Forum for discussion and exploration of ideas and issues in Reformed thought today. - http://www.contra-mundum.org/
Reformed Theology - What is it? - A summary and outline of the tenets of Reformed Theology. - http://www.apocalipsis.org/reformed.htm
Dawning Realm - Provides teachings regarding the future Kingdom of God and implications for daily life; includes reasons for belief. - http://dawningrealm.org/
Credenda/Agenda - A webzine (and print magazine) about issues relating to Reformed Theology. - http://credenda.org/
The Highway - Presents the gospel through the Roman Road and provides theological articles and forums to facilitate discussion. - http://www.the-highway.com/