Levend Water - Study the works of Charles H. Welch, Dr. E.W. Bullinger, etc. - http://www.levendwater.org/analysis/analysis.htm
Rightly Dividing the Word - This present dispensation of grace began with a gradual withdrawal of Israel's special privileges, as God gradually turned His national mercy to the Gentiles. - http://www.bibletruths.org/study/rightly.html
The Word of Truth Ministry - Seed and Bread - Various Bible studies from an Acts 28 perspective by the late Otis Q. Sellers, who believed that E.W. Bullinger did not go quite far enough in his Dispensational approach. - http://www.seedandbread.org/
Charles Welch - Beginning with a short biography, this site also contains many audios and writings from the Dispensational perspective of Charles Welch. - http://www.charleswelch.net/
The Word Understood - Featuring both audio and written studies, The Word Understood practices right division according to dispensational methods of bible study, using the literal interpretive method. - http://www.thewordunderstood.com
Grace Panorama - Possibly the only Scandinavian (Norway) Acts 28:28 site in two languages (English and Norwegian), Jan Lilleby exposes heresies like Word-Faith, and has links to Charles Welch material. - http://www.gracepano.com/index.php?lng=en
Acts 28:28 Message Board - This message board is for the purpose of edifying the Body of Christ, discussing topics about the Bible, and sharing Bible studies from the Acts 28:28 viewpoint. - http://members3.boardhost.com/acts2828/?982882001
Studies in Scripture - The Bible Rightly Divided based on an Acts 28 perspective. In-depth discussions and studies, teaching the method of Dispensational Truth. - http://www.studiesinscripture.bravehost.com
Grace Bible Study - Our True Hope, the Earth! - Michael Holt, who teaches live via the internet on paltalk, holds the unique view among Acts 28 Dispensationalists that our hope lies in the earth, not in the heavens. - http://www.ourchurch.com/view/?pageID=178296
Heaven Dwellers - Articles, books, tracts, charts, forum and newsletter on Dispensationalism. - http://www.heavendwellers.com/
What is Right Division? (2 Tim. 2:15) - The church of the dispensation of the mystery could not have existed prior to Acts 28:28. - http://www.believer.com/teaching/division/right.htm
Thoughts on the Mid-Acts Position - Without a proper understanding of when this present dispensation began, one cannot know which epistles were written for this dispensation, and which were written for past dispensations. - http://www.rightwordtruth.com/acts13.htm
Right Division - Although "Early-Acts" Dispensationalists refer to those who believe the church began late in the book of Acts or afterwards as Ultra-Dispensationalists, the message is the main factor. - http://www.tftmin.org/rghtdvsn.htm
The Mystery - God's present purpose as found in this dispensation, The Mystery, is as unreasonable to modern day ''Rabbis'' as was the first and second coming of Christ to their ancient counterparts. - http://www.bibleunderstanding.com/themystery.htm
Rightdivision.com - Explaining Dispensationalism from an Acts 28 perspective. - http://www.rightdivision.com/html/dispensational.html