Covenant Theology Versus Dispensationalism
- Although some critics of Dispensationalism claim that the early church fathers were Covenant Theologians, systematized Covenant Theology is actually of recent origin.
Pre-Trib Rapture Deception? - John Darby probably began believing in a pre-trib rapture between December 1826 and January 1827, thereby having a three-year jump on Margaret McDonald's supposed "vision" in 1830. -
Society of Dispensational Webmasters - Owners of dispensational websites are invited to join, in an effort to promote dispensational unity, glorify God, and spread the gospel of God's grace. -
Dispensational Ages - Likens the various dispensations to chapters in the story of the earth, with the eighth dispensation being a new beginning. -
Dispensationalism and God's Glory - The primary focus of this paper is to discuss the glory of God, as it is seen in the dispensations. -
Duluth Bible Church: Rightly Dividing - From Duluth Bible Church, these Rightly Dividing Illustrations explain the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16) from a Dispensational perspective. -
Dispensationalism Defended - The Bible For Today presents several audio messages that explain and defend Dispensationalism, by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. which proclaims and defends the principles of the Bible. -
Thy Testimonies - This is a non-sectarian, dispensational Bible study site, teaching God’s sovereignty, and the Scriptures rightly divided. We have nothing to sell, and nothing to join -
Bible Study Letters: Dispensations - Dispensationalists are commonly accused of teaching different methods of salvation in different dispensations; however, the Bible states that salvation comes from Christ alone, and is never based on works. -
Dispensations - After examining in detail the most commonly recognized dispensations and eschatological positions, this paper concludes with a defense of the premillennial, pre-tribulation viewpoint, upon which dispensationalism is based. -
Doctrine of Dispensations - This detailed study, from William E. Wenstrom, Jr. Bible Ministries, takes a unique approach by classifying the dispensations into three groups - Theocentric, Christocentric, and Eschatological. -
Introduction to Dispensational Theology - The Bible is a complex work, with a clear design and process; and dispensationalism breaks it down into various components, so that it is easier to understand. -
The Theke - The Theke - A collection of links focused on Dispensationalism and Biblical prophecy. -
Dispensationalism Understood - One in a series of 36 Bible lessons from Rogma International, intended to help its students lay a foundation to understanding God's word -
Covenants and Dispensations - This treatise on the various dispensations of God's covenants is written from a fairly dispensational perspective, although its author claims to be neither a Dispensationalist nor a Covenant Theologian. -
Does Dispensationalism Teach Two Ways of Salvation? - Although normative dispensationalism has never taught anything other than a single way of salvation, its opponents often make the false claim that dispensationalism teaches two ways of salvation. -
Forum: Eschatology - Because Southern Baptists have formed no consensus on Eschatology, SBC Life gathered 3 scholars - Drs. Paige Patterson (a dispensational premillennialist), David Dockery, and Millard Erickson - to discuss this issue. -
The Importance of the Work of the Holy Spirit and the Gospel - The Holy Spirit is the Restrainer of evil during this dispensation, and when He departs with the Church at the Rapture, evil will reign throughout Daniel’s 70th Week. -
Literal Hermeneutics, Theological Method, and the Essence of Dispensationalism - This paper, which refines Charles Ryrie's "sine qua non" of dispensationalism, shows that the differences between dispensationalism and covenantalism are so great, they can never be successfully reconciled. -
Present Evil Age, Dispensation of Grace, and World System - This paper, presented to the Theological Forum on Contemporary Issues, explores the similarities and distinctions between the dispensation of grace, the world system, and this present evil age. -
Mystery of The Ages - Part 1 - The church is neither a continuation of the "Jewish Dispensation", nor the "kingdom", because the mystery of the ages was not revealed prior to Paul’s apostleship (Eph. 3:5-7). -
Berean Radio Network - Biblical studies in apologetics and dispensational teaching -
Peter, Paul, or Mary - Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth - Much of the material here is taken from the book by Dr. Douglas Stauffer called One Book Rightly Divided, and is used with his permission and blessing. -
Dispensational International Research Network - Although recent systematized eschatology portrays confusion on this subject in the early church, many church fathers set forth theological principles which laid the foundation for modern systematized dispensationalism. -
A Biblical Look at the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - The major doctrine the Pentecostals and Charismatics do not understand is the dispensational truth that Christians are not in the Old Testament times, but live in a different dispensation. -
Why We Need Dispensationalism - David F. Reagan explains why "rightly dividing the word" according to 2 Tim. 2:15 is a dynamic approach to scripture, compared to the static concept of "right division". -
Biblion College-Seminary -- Silverton, Oregon - Biblion College-Seminary (BCS) is a non–profit fundamental, dispensational Christian College with one purpose - to train men and women to teach the Bible in an accurate and interesting way. -
Brethren Writers Hall of Fame - Life and Works of all major authors of dispensational works, mostly Plymouth Brethren but many Presbyterian and Lutheran. With works online, more samples of works, and links to similar sites. -
Bible Study Manuals: Dispensational Theology - After giving a basic definition of Dispensationalism, this study examines the seven traditionally recognized dispensations in detail, including the common Dispensational viewpoint concerning the seventy weeks of Daniel. -
Grace Notes on Dispensations - This page combines a basic outline of Dispensationalism with a brief overview of the Scofield Reference Bible. -
An Introduction to Dispensations - Dispensationalism best explains the reason why God has changed His instructions for believers down through the ages (i.e., believers today are no longer forbidden from eating certain meats). -
Israel: The Center of Divine History - Just as Luther re-discovered the long-suppressed doctrine of salvation by faith during the Reformation, so have Dispensationalists re-discovered the long-lost truth of the pre-Millennial Rapture. -
The Midweek Rapture and the Pauline Ministry - Paul received revelation that the day of Christ is different from the day of the Lord, and that the 12 apostles were unknowing members of Christ's Body in Acts 2. -
Pre-Trib Perspectives - The First Foundation: Consistent Literal Interpretation - Although Dispensationalists apply consistent literal interpretation "whenever possible", they realize some passages are obviously figurative; yet critics misrepresent the practice of literal interpretation by pointing to these very passages. -
Dispensationalism - Bible Study with Pastor Gregory - God administrates His rule over the world as He progressively works out His purpose in the world for His own glory. -
The Dispensation of Grace - Because the beginning of the book of Acts is transitional, it isn't until the Jews nationally reject their Messiah that the gospel is taken directly to the Gentiles. -
Dispensations & Creation Week - The six-day creation (and seventh day of rest) in Genesis perfectly portrays the seven dispensations, because each day of creation matches the corresponding dispensation, with some very interesting parallels. -
Study the Bible Dispensationally - Even traditional dispensationalists sometimes recognize as many as nine dispensations; also, this page traces the belief in dispensations all the way back to the Apostles. -
The Dispensations - This chart outlines three major dispensations (Theocentric, Christocentric, and Eschatological), as taught by R. B. Thieme -
Dispensationalism Explained - Tom Elseroad - Dispensationalism takes into account progressive and ongoing revelation. Each successive dispensation unfolds more of God's truth. -
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth - C. I. Scofield's explanation of the seven unequal time periods, from the creation of Adam to the new heaven and new earth, which are referred to as dispensations. -
Dispensationalism Explained - Various articles clarifying Dispensationalism, in view of the confused theological climate. -
Dispensationalism Defined - Dispensationalists acknowledge the distinction between Israel and the Church, apply a consistently literal principle of interpretation, and conceive God's purpose to be His own glory, rather than the single purpose of salvation. -
Dispensationalism and the Church - The key to Dispensationalism lies not in defining a specific number of dispensations, but in the belief that God is working with man in a progressive way. -
The Dispensational Gospels - Dispensationalism is in danger of falling, due in part to a failure to distinguish between Jesus' earthly Gospel for Israel, and His heavenly Gospel for the Church. -
The Scriptural fact that Israel has a future supports Dispensationalism - In order to change from Dispensationalism to postmillennialism, it is necessary to spiritualize many passages referring to a future for national Israel, and replace Israel with the church. -
The Abrahamic Covenant, Dispensationally Considered - One's understanding of scripture concerning the nation of Israel and end time events is profoundly influenced by whether one holds to a Dispensational or a Covenant Theological viewpoint. -
Difficult Scriptures Explained - Dispensationalism helps explain the seeming contradictions in Scripture; for example, one passage intones "saved by faith without works", while another states "faith without works is dead". -
Clarence Larkin Charts - Bible Charts, by Clarence Larkin, have been extremely helpful to Christians since they were first published over 75 years ago. -
Dispensationalism's Missing Link - This Paper will consider three types of Dispensationalism (Classic Pauline, Traditional, and Progressive), and the relationship of the Independent Fundamental Churches of America to them. -
What is Dispensationalism, By Michael J. Vlach - Since the mid-1800s, dispensationalism has exerted great influence on the way many Christians view the doctrines of ecclesiology and eschatology -