Davis, Michael: Answers for the Faith - Christian commentary, Bible questions and answers, Bible study, prayer requests, and apologetics all from an evangelical, charismatic perspective. - http://answersforthefaith.com/
Duncan, Elmer - Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Baylor University. Articles on philosophy and information technology, Kierkegaard, and Thomas Halyburton (PDF). Trip photos of England and Scotland - http://www3.baylor.edu/~Elmer_Duncan/
Darnell, Ed: Time for Him - Reflections on the saving grace of God, image galleries, photos of friends and family. - http://timeforhim.org/
de Boer, Mark: Boerenroem Blogger - Weblog of Dutch Christian, management consultant, guitar player, father, and friend. - http://boerenroem.blogspot.com/
Dunn, Bill: Faith & Funnies - Weekly column dedicated to building faith and another guaranteed to give a chuckle. - http://boomertrek.com/
David, Susan: Ministries - Radio evangelist operates a girls' home near Delano, California. Sermons (RealAudio) and e-mail newsletter. - http://www.susandavid.org/
Draper, Faith Alice - Testimony and collection of inspiration writings, encouragement, humor, and recipes. - http://byfaithonly.com/
Donna: Champuru.com - Journal of a Christian geek living in Hawaii detailing her life, faith, and technology. - http://www.champuru.com/
Davies, Larry: Sowing Seeds of Faith - Humorous devotions, stories, mailing list for devotions, and book sales. - http://www.sowingseedsoffaith.com/
Daly, Chris: The Life of Jesus Christ - A meditation on the life of Jesus illustrated by stained glass windows from various churches in the Garden Route, South Africa. - http://www.paradisefound.co.za/lifeofchrist/
A Different View - Christian articles on a range of topics, some original, most written by others, and links. - http://home.adelphia.net/~diffview/
David, Jonathan - Malaysian pastor and founder of several religious institutions offers leadership training. - http://www.jonathan-david.org/