Dubey, Girjesh Dhar - A biography and information about his ambitions, a curriculum vitae with cover letter, his current and past university projects, and photographs. - http://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/postgrad/girjesh.dubey/
de Bono, Edward - The originator and developer of the tools for Lateral Thinking. Contains a detailed biograhy, a list of books he's written, upcoming projects and events, his written reports, and a discussion board. - http://www.edwarddebono.com/
Depping, Tom - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Main Street National Bank in Kingwood, Texas. Includes a biography and contact information. - http://www.tomdepping.com
Dronamraju, Ravi - Investment ideas, weblog, and links of a man in San Francisco. - http://www.dronamraju.com/
Day, Allen - The Prawn - Photos, his philosophy on life, his certificate of ordination from Universal Life Church, and his software projects. Also includes editable portions of his site that are built on a wiki model. - http://www.theprawn.com
Dockerty, Nick - Contains personal information and a portfolio. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nick.dockerty/dock/
Danielsson, Erik - Swedish man shares his journal, photograph album, and projects. - http://www.erikd.se/
Duyck, Wouter - Includes academic sections and psychology links. - http://users.ugent.be/~wduyck/
Diceman, Jason - Includes projects, personal information, and links. - http://www.communicationism.org/jasondiceman.com/
De, Saptarshi - Includes personal information, photos, resume and favorite links of Saptarshi De. - http://saptarshi.50webs.com/
Dodd, Jennifer M. - Photographs and design information from a young wife, mother, web designer, and jack-of-all-trades. - http://www.bajada.net/
Dizon, Yolly - Includes personal information, pictures, and links. - http://www.pekengduck.de/
Dennington, Erin - About Erin, her friends and family, David Duchovny, her thoughts on everything and pictures. - http://www.leanasidhe.com/
Delson, Scott - Includes biography, opinions, cars, online journal, base conversion and loan calculators and links. - http://www.vegetablesofthemind.com/
Deb, Sankha - A Ph.D candidate in Industrial Engineering at Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Canada with research focus on Computer-automated process planning. - http://www.isical.ac.in/~sankha_t/
Dark, Taylor - Professor at Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan. Information on his book, projects, information for students, and links. - http://www.taylordark.com/
Diebold, Jill - Personal information, photos, and blog of a funky Texas mother. - http://www.myspace.com/jilldiebold
Dugdale, Timothy. - Includes CV information, writing and links. - http://dugdalti.faculty.udmercy.edu/
Davenport, Andrew M. - Includes personal information, pictures, and links. - http://www.tropnevad.org/~adavenpo/
Dacay, Leonard and Leimomi - Includes personal information, pictures, and links. - http://www.gkgraphics.com/dacay/
Downie, Robert - Rob's homepage includes bushwalking, rockclimbing, and photography. - http://www.intrepidphotos.com/
Dagnell, Andreas - Sushi Brother - Includes personal information, MP3s, photos, links, tracked modules and a guestbook. - http://www.sushibrother.se/
de Satgé, Jeremy - Information on his career as a singer, actor, writer, and teacher. - http://www.desatge.com/web/
Dean, Carrie - Purely Punitive - Features the authors journal, biography, artwork, and photos. - http://purelypunitive.org/
Delerue, Nicolas - Includes research, pictures, a resume, and links. [English and French] - http://nicolas.delerue.org/
Decker, Joseph E. - Includes personal information, work, and photographs. - http://alumnus.caltech.edu/~decker/
Duttweiler, Mark E. - Includes personal information and research. - http://alumnus.caltech.edu/~mark/
Diban, Fernando - Includes a resume, family, pictures, and links. - http://www.fdiban.com/
Drangel, Brandon - Includes personal information, a journal, photographs, and links. - http://www.fromanotherstate.com/
Duke, Brandon - Includes personal information, a blog, jokes, and pictures. - http://www.brandonduke.com/
Daly, Brendan - Includes information about Christianity and Dr Pepper. - http://bjd.au.com/
Dahl, Brian - Includes diary pages, information on Amsterdam, a personal page, pictures of movie posters and a list of his friends. - http://www.cprog.com/
Demellweek, Shaun - Includes personal information, photographs, games, and software. - http://www.shaund.com/
Dirscherl, Florian - Includes personal details, resume, pictures, tools and links. - http://floh.org/
Dols, David - Contains a portfolio, photographs, and doodles. - http://www.dols.us/
Doppler, Thomas - Includes personal information, family, work, travel, and physics. - http://home.pages.at/doppler/
Drain, Jonny - Includes writings, opinions, and links. - http://www.jonnydigital.com/
Daelemans, Geert - Xodarap's Corner - Includes personal information, pictures, a weblog, stories, and links. - http://users.telenet.be/nickandgeert/geert/
Ducret, Xavier - Includes pictures, music, and links. - http://xavier.terkud.com/
Doering, Richard - Includes personal information, a Curriculum Vitae, photographs, and links. - http://www.doering.co.uk/
Dabrowski, Mariusz - Includes photographs, a resume, and travels. [English and Polish] - http://www.mdabrowski.republika.pl/
DiSerio, Luigi - Includes articles, photographs, videos, and links. - http://www.diserio.com/
Dolley, Simon - Includes family, pictures, genealogy, and links. - http://www.dolley.co.uk/
Dong, Shuonan - Includes a resume, research, and personal information. - http://web.mit.edu/dongs/www/
Dague, Sean - Includes personal information, photographs, family, and friends. - http://dague.net/
Danielson, Mark - Includes a journal, a resume, and photographs. - http://www.nonlocality.com/
DeVries, Thomas Brent - Includes personal information, photographs, poetry, and links. - http://www.brentdevries.com/
Duperrier, Marc - Includes a resume, achievements, and books. - http://www.duperrier.net/
Drewes, Jim - Includes personal information, a resume, projects, and a weblog. - http://www.jimdrewes.com/
Dunlop, Julia - Includes personal information, crosswords, photographs, food, and links. - http://www.juliadunlop.co.uk/
Dennison, Leigh-Ann - Includes animal rights, vegan recipes, beliefs, photographs, and links. - http://www.animaladvocacy.net/
Doolittle, Jeff - Includes a weblog, photographs, and work. - http://www.jeffdoolittle.com/
Delfino, Nicola - Includes personal information and photographs. - http://www.nicoladelfino.com/
Deitz, John B. - Includes motorcycling, genealogy, musings, and recipes. - http://prometheusli.com/
Dibler, Steve - Includes personal information, photographs, and interests. - http://www.stevedibler.com/
Duan, Gang - Includes music, movies, travel, and soccer. - http://shine.homelinux.com/~gduan/
Dindayal, Robin - Includes personal information, interests, pictures, and links. - http://www.robindindayal.com/
Dimov, Toma - Includes pictures, personal information, and links. - http://sup.hit.bg/
Dovi, Frank - Includes pictures, friends, and links. - http://home.cogeco.ca/~fdovi/
Delatore, Dave and Kristin - Includes personal information, photographs, and projects. - http://delatore.com/
DuVal, David - Includes projects, a portfolio, family, and photographs. - http://www.david-duval.com/
Deodhar, Prabhakar Shankar - Includes personal information, photographs, and articles. - http://www.psdeodhar.net/
Duncalfe, Andrew - Includes personal information, poetry, a weblog, and web design. - http://www.thelimeybrit.com/
Dobrowolski, Stephan - Includes personal information, books, and photographs. - http://www.dobrowolski.info/
Dolsberry, Debra - Includes photographs, family, and art. - http://home.pacbell.net/ipohl/
Dillon, Bill - Callypigia - Includes essays, photographs, jokes, and links. - http://www.callipygia600.com/
Dhunay, Nav - Includes personal information, family, and links. - http://www.dhunay.com/
Durward, Mary Besore - Includes photographs, interests, and links. - http://www.mdurward.com/
Deloff, Gerald - Includes a journal, a resume, photographs, music, and links. - http://deloff.com/jerry/
Driscoll, Desiree Reannon - Includes personal information, photographs, and a resume. - http://www.dragonflygirl.com/desiree/
Determan, Tim - Includes hunting, fishing, and pictures. - http://www.tc.umn.edu/~deter005/
Daro, Jeffrey - Includes genealogy, photographs, and links. - http://darofamily.com/jeff/default.asp
Dosooye, Nilesh - Contains personal information, a resume, information about Mauritius, pictures, and links. - http://nilesh.dosooye.com/
Duffy, Sean E. - Includes academic research, a Curriculum Vitae, student resources, and information about the origins of Arizona's drug wars. - http://www.u.arizona.edu/~seduffy/
Denbigh, James - Includes personal information, music, and links. - http://www.jadenbigh.co.uk/
Deep, Sheetu - Includes games, sports, and links. - http://www.sheetudeep.com/
Duffy, Sean - Includes music, writings, pictures and chat. - http://www.injected.org/sos
Desai, Jigsha - Resumé and other career related work, photographs, and favorite links. - http://www.jigsha.com/
Denton, Christi - Provides biography and résumé, current projects and list of past works, pictures, sound files, and writings. - http://www.the-compound.org/
Decker, Chaz - Includes images, friends, a resume, and links. - http://www.chazzer.net/
Dallas, Vicky A. - Includes personal information, goals, interests, her portfolio, and quotations. - http://www.dallasonline.gr/
Danielson, William - Includes links and outdoor photography. - http://webpages.charter.net/wdanielson/
D'Capmper, Aleks - Personal information, links and pictures. - http://home.onego.ru/~kaf/
Dunlap, Toni - Offers experiences with yoga and buddhism, along with photographs, recipes, and music interests. - http://www.tonidunlap.com/
Dullard, Amy - Includes photographs and personal information. - http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~dullard/
Dempsey, Dann Own - Includes personal information and poetry. - http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~dann/
Durych, Robert - Offers pictures with brief captions. - http://www.durych.net/
Deisz, David - Offers photos, and information. - http://www.deisz.net
Durken, Daryl - Information on family, list of places that have pissed the author off, and artwork. - http://www.durken.com
Dobronos, Liya Aleksandrovna - A bilingual site with biography, interests and hobbies, job information, contact page, and a photo gallery. - http://www.dobronos.it/liya/
Decker, Martha - MIDI files, graphics, photographs, Richfield High School alumni and Minnesota tourist and travel information. - http://deckernet.com/
Discoe, Ben - Washed Ashore - Life story, photographs and past events, projects, environmental concerns, opinionated writing, notes on friends, and cultural and scientific links. - http://www.washedashore.com/
Doetzel, Garth - Included are the Garthcam webcam, pictures, and links on this nicely designed homepage. - http://www3.telus.net/gd/index.html
Delahoy, Craig - About his Amiga, Port Fairy, Miscellanea Digest and links. - http://members.datafast.net.au/craigd/
Daney, Charles - Information, essays, and links to various topics. - http://cgd.best.vwh.net/home/
Dempsey, Erik and Anna - Includes wedding information, photo album, as well as links and a Rush tribute. - http://www.erikandanna.com
Doomen, Peter - Includes wine links, jokes, and artificial intelligence papers as well as links. - http://users.skynet.be/bs661306/peter/welcome.htm
Dungan, Fred - Information about Dungan's books, as well as religious and political commentary. Sections in French, Dutch, and Spanish. - http://www.fdungan.com/
Doser, Cathy - Work history, activities and pictures. - http://www.doser.net/cathy/
Dino, Nico - Contains professional and personal links, a resume, and graduation pictures. - http://nicodino.8m.com
Dickson, Carl - Includes a resume, links to projects he has worked on and family news with family photos. - http://www.carldickson.com
Dollahite, Chris - Includes information on the history of Halloween, an image gallery, history of the Blair Witch legend and pictures from Star Wars. - http://www.dollahite.itgo.com
Durocher, Amy C - Includes pages on graphic design, photography and illustration. - http://www.amydurocher.com
Doddi, Srikar - Origins - Resume and personal information, as well as US school rankings in the field of engineering, and the email addresses of all the schools. - http://srikar.gq.nu
Dorr, Tim - Weblog with flash and HTML experiments, details of web design services and some personal trivia. - http://www.timdorr.com
DiBeneditto, Lukas - About his interests, including data archive development, graphic design and programming. Includes portfolio and resume. - http://www.dibeneditto.com
Del Real, Claudia - Contains personal information and links to psychology, counselling, music and paid to read email sites. - http://www.jfwlite.com/webpages/claudia.html
Djumlija, Uwe - CV, portfolio of web design, photographs, and contact information. - http://members.liwest.at/uwe/
Dapper, Gwendolyn - Includes a portfolio, a resume, and personal information. - http://www.daisydo.com/
Dhanoa , Bhupinderjit Singh - Current and completed projects. Includes software and tips. - http://www.dhanoa.8m.com
Dunbar, Richard P. - Digital photography done by Richard in the form of e-postcards from the Big Guy. - http://www.littlemesahouse.com
Duco, Armand R - Includes family photographs and other photography. - http://www.armandduco.com
Duy, Do Nhat - Includes pictures, personal information, and games. - http://www.donhatduy.8m.com/
Danielsson-Murphy, Lotta - Includes resume, some samples of her writings and links to pages about China. - http://www.lottaworld.com/
Drouin, Bob - A provocative fusion of earthy values, fine art, and high technology, featuring the paintings, drawings, sculpture, and journal of artist Bob Drouin. - http://webhome.idirect.com/~bobkati/
Dacey, Andrew - Includes personal information, photo galleries, a travel diary from Russia and information about two computer terms ARP and encapsulation. - http://www.tildefrugal.net/
Domman, Markus - Includes personal information, some photo albums, chords and lyrics for songs, computer downloads and a guestbook. - http://www.markshome.ch
Daigle, Dennis - Includes a biography, food and film reviews and opinions. - http://www.dennisdaigle.com
Doctor, Sarosh A. - Contains information about Sarosh, pictures, and links. - http://sarosh.8m.com/
Devos, Joe - Giltweasel - About the author and his IRC buddies with related links. - http://www.beige.org/~gltweasl
Doorly, Sean - Doorly.Com - Artist, designer, web producer and writer. Information on the Doorly name. - http://www.doorly.com/
Doffing, Tim - Krikkit - Contains his resume, information about his hobbies, and information about him. - http://www.krikkit.com
Dole, Bryn - Projects he's worked on, employment history, and links. - http://www.atomicwidget.com/
DeBellis, Doc John - Information about the Fratellanza Society, links, and pictures. - http://home.earthlink.net/~docjohnd/
Dalavurak, Ihor - Includes personal information and picture galleries. - http://www.ihor.net/
DiLascia, Paul - Contains programming information and articles. - http://www.dilascia.com/
Dennis, Susan - Personal page about knitting and New Zealand. - http://www.susandennis.com/
Donath, Judith S. - Assistant Professor of Media Arts And Sciences. A number of her papers are included. - http://smg.media.mit.edu/people/Judith/
Da Lage, Olivier - Contains many articles on the Middle East, the Gulf and journalism. [English/French] - http://mapage.noos.fr/odalage/
Dahlberg, Håkan - Includes personal information and information about a vacation to Denmark. This site has an English and a Swedish version. - http://hem.passagen.se/hadahlbe/