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  Pro-Life (13)

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The Second Look Project Open in a new windowLink Details
- Advertising campaign of the Unites States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Posters, radio spots, and web site contend that many Americans don't know the most common reasons for abortion or what the law allows.
- http://www.secondlookproject.org/

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Pro-Life Issues Addressed Open in a new windowLink Details
- From the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Offers fact sheets, public policy statements, press releases, and Catholic documents on abortion, bioethics and reproductive technology, euthanasia, and Natural Family Planning.
- http://www.usccb.org/prolife/issues/

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National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life Open in a new windowLink Details
- African American ministry committed to defending human life, from conception to natural death. Mission statement, calendar, affiliates.
- http://www.blackcatholicsforlife.org/

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Pro-Life Pages for Students Open in a new windowLink Details
- Directory from Queensland, Australia, intended to provide students with links to help research life issues from a Catholic perspective. Topics include reproductive technology and end-of-life issues.
- http://www.cqnet.com.au/~user/dancasey/Pro-lifeStudentInformation.html

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Students Turning Around a Nation of Death Open in a new windowLink Details
- Priests for Life youth division, encouraging students to take a vocal position against abortion.
- http://www.abortionaborted.org/sidenav.htm

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Saint Stanislaus Council Open in a new windowLink Details
- Proposes that the latae sententiae excommunication of those who procure an abortion is not enough - public figures who enable, support, or condone abortion (or euthanasia) ought to be publicly excommunicated.
- http://www.excommunication.net/

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Missionary Catholics United For Life Open in a new windowLink Details
- Catholic, pro-life advocacy organization in Pennsylvania. Operation Holy Presence is a new approach to end abortion.
- http://www.missionarycul.com/

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Essays and Speeches Open in a new windowLink Details
- Small collection of essays, mostly on pro-life issues from a Catholic perspective.
- http://www.abortionessay.com/files/other.html

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Life Issues Open in a new windowLink Details
- News, research, academic articles, and archive of official documents on abortion, bioethics, birth control, and related issues.
- http://www.lifeissues.net/

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Priests for Life Open in a new windowLink Details
- A pro-life association of Catholic priests headed by Father Frank Pavone. They offer excellent resources for Catholics.
- http://www.priestsforlife.org/

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Catholic Information Network: For Life Open in a new windowLink Details
- A good collection of articles and links on abortion, contraception, and euthanasia, at CIN.
- http://www.cin.org/life.html

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Human Life International Open in a new windowLink Details
- The worldwide Catholic organization dedicated to upholding the value of human life in full conformity to the teachings of the Catholic Faith.
- http://www.hli.org/

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