Pro-Life Blogs
- Directory and post aggregator of web logs supporting and promoting sanctrity of life issues involving abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and related topics. Also includes original material.
Buddhism and the Morality of Abortion - Explores traditional Buddhist arguments against abortion and contrasts them to Catholism, both of which have large numbers of adherents seeking abortion every year. -
LifeSite - Portal of news stories about pro-life issues in Canada, the United States and the UK. -
Pro-life Resources - Provides Biblical based information to support an anti-abortion stance. -
Life Dynamics - Offers support for women hurt by abortionists. Abortion malpractice program for attorneys after a woman is killed by a procedure. -
GravityTeen - Offers advice and personal stories about pregnancy and abortion. -
Roe Warriors: The Media's Pro-Abortion Bias - The Media Research Center asserts that the national media tilts the abortion debate in favor of abortion advocates. -
Abortion is Murder - Pro-life excerpts from various religious texts, listing of the official positions of political parties, illustrations and images, advice for crisis pregnancies. -
A Mother's Story - Story of how local officials secured an abortion for her daughter without her knowledge or consent. -
Abortion and the Bible - Asserts that abortion is a sin according to the Bible. -
Project Grace - Tools for abortion recovery ministries and individuals with testimonies, music and video clips, speakers available and links for support groups nationwide. -
VirtueMedia - Television and radio commercials offering hope and healing to woman suffering from post-abortion syndrome, and help to woman in crisis pregnancies. -
Right Choice - Presents prolife views and facts about abortion, RU-486, and the morning-after pill. Includes photos. -
Abortion as Birth Control - Information about abortion, abortion techniques, risks, and alternatives. - - Abortion information, charts, statistics of abortions, including graphs. Laws, statistics, articles, and student abortion report assistance. -
Life Research Institute - Faith-based organization intended to promote a pro-life agenda by educating the public about alternatives to abortion, countering information provided by pro-choice organizations, and encouraging activism. -
Unequal Justice Under a Bad Law - Article advocates that nonviolent civil disobedience, including for pro-life causes, is an important America's right that should not be denegrated for political expediency -
StandUpGirl - An approach to bringing the pro-life message to a wide audience using imagery of developing children, and stories of experiences with abortion. -
Pregnant Pause - Collection of short articles on abortion and other related topics, including euthanasia and infanticide. -
Born Silent - A website promoting Born Silent, a free pro-life web-based or TV video ad about the Supreme Court's approach to partial birth abortion. -
Abortion, Partial Birth - Site advocates end to abortion. Pro-life commentary and photos. -
Achieving Peace in the Abortion War - Online book that argues the abortion industry is on the verge of collapse, based on sociology and psychology. -
Pro-Life Ireland - Information on the abortion situation in Ireland. -
Silent Scream - Famous ultrasound video (originally produced in 1980) of an abortion 11 weeks after conception. Online video for Microsoft Media Player, plus transcript and photos. Additionally includes personal testimony. -
After Abortion - Information on the aftereffects of abortion and post-abortion healing, including research on post-abortion issues, resources, and testimonies. -
Boycott to Protect the Lives of Unborn Children - A pro-life boycott against Mazda and Ford Motor Companies to encourage them to stop providing abortions at company owned facilities. -
Consistent Life Ethic - Condemns abortion as a form of violence which destroys human life and debases human dignity. -
Leftout: The Pro-Life Liberal's Home on the Web - A site for people who believe that liberal philosophy precludes discrimination against any member of the human family, including the youngest of us. -
LifeLinks - An information resource for right-to-lifers of any political or religious affiliation. -