A Holy Easter - Collection of links from Kir-Shalom Ministries - http://www.rockies.net/~spirit/sermons/easterpage.php
All About Easter (Pascha) - A Catholic resource for Easter looking at Orthodox and Western celebrations: history, links, FAQ, prayers, artwork, and customs. - http://www.churchyear.net/easter.html
Easter at ChristiansUnite - The origin of Easter, clip art, wallpaper, ecards, and recommended links. - http://holidays.christiansunite.com/easter.shtml
Twas the Night Before Easter - A creative parody to reflect on the true meaning of Easter, and a Christian holiday celebration for the entire family. - http://peggiesplace.gospelcom.net/easter.htm
A Glorious Easter - The story of the resurrection and links to music, drama, inspirational sites, crafts, coloring pages, and recipes. - http://www.teacherhelp.org/easter.htm
Interactive Passion History - Virtual trip to Calvary, showing the passion story. - http://iph.hislifefor.us/
The United Church of Canada: Gathering - An online worship magazine with Lent, Easter, and Pentecost resources. - http://www.united-church.ca/gathering/
Christianity Today: Countdown to Easter - Forty ways to celebrate. Scripture readings, fun activities, discussion points, and hymns to help families focus on Christ's death and resurrection. - http://www.christianitytoday.com/cpt/9g2/9g2031.html
The Wonder of Easter - One woman shares her Easter tradition. - http://women.crosswalk.com/columns/farm/0,6699,4926,00.htm
Resurrection Song - A musical play to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. - http://songsofpraise.org/easter.htm
A Simplified Easter Dating Method - (with charts and explanations) by Ronald W. Mallen of the Astronomical Society of South Australia. - http://www.assa.org.au/edm.html
The Church of God, International: Should Christians Observe Easter? - To millions of professing, churchgoing Christians, "Easter" is one of the chief religious festivals. But what do eggs, rabbits, new clothing, sunrise services, and hot cross buns have to do with Jesus Christ? - http://www.cgi.org/booklets/easter.htm
Christ is Risen - Includes the resurrection story and links to other Christian sites. - http://www.entourages.com/barbs/Easter.htm
Shalom Scripture Studies: Is Easter in the Bible? - Easter is based on pagan and heathen customs and has nothing to do with Christianity. Christians should be celebrating Passover and the Resurrection of our Lord. - http://www.shalom-peace.com/easter.html
St. Anthony Messenger Press: Easter - Articles, devotionals, and soundbytes by Catholic priests and theologians for Easter, the Sundays of Easter, and Pentecost. - http://www.americancatholic.org/features/easter/
Praying Through Lent and Easter - Provides prayers for Lent and Easter. Includes a collection of prayers for children. - http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/season/
Facts about the Crucifixion - A physician examines Christ's suffering during his final hours from a medical perspective. - http://www.konnections.com/Kcundick/crucifix.html
Annie's Easter Page - Provides historical information and explains what common Easter symbols mean. - http://www.annieshomepage.com/easter.html
The Easter Page -- Lent, Easter, The Resurrection - Cyberspace journey through scripture, art, music, prose and other materials which reflect on the mystery and miracle of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. - http://www.execpc.com/~tmuth/easter/main.htm
He Is Risen - Art, music, scripture, and customs of Lent, Easter and the resurrection of Jesus. Lutheran: hosted by LCMS - http://www.execpc.com/~tmuth/easter/