Lenten Sacrifice and the Awareness of God - Article presenting Lent as a time to lead one to recognize the presence of God. Gives some guidelines for Lenten practices. - http://www.spirituality.org/is/032/page06.asp
Spirituality.org -- Lent - Explores the significance of Lent for Catholics and includes a poem related to the season. - http://www.spirituality.org/is/008/page07.asp
Church Year: Lent - A Comprehensive Guide to Lent: history, links, resources, FAQ, and prayers. - http://www.churchyear.net/lent.html
Devotions for Lent - A series of scripture readings, meditations, prayers, and practices to guide Christians through Lent as a preparation for Easter. Includes a kids section and a section on fasting. - http://www.imby.net/easter/
Veg 4 Lent - Promoting a vegetarian diet for Lent as both an experiential opportunity and a transitional period throughout the whole of Christendom. Site contains many articles, links, and pdf documents. - http://www.veg4lent.org/
The Lenten Triodion - Pre-Lenten readings, and readings for the Great Lent and the Holy Week. - http://www.ocf.org/OrthodoxPage/prayers/triodion/triodion.html
Lenten Wood, Easter Fire - A devotional for the season. Part of The Catholic Liturgical Library. - http://www.catholicliturgy.com/index.cfm/FuseAction/ArticleText/Index/65/SubIndex/112/ArticleIndex/22
Catholic Encyclopedia: Lent - An article on the origins of Lenten fasting. - http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09152a.htm
What is Lent? - A brief explanation of the season from St. George's Episcopal Church. - http://www.saintgeorgeschurch.org/cal_lent.htm
Great Lent (Eastern Orthodox) - Brief explanation of the observance from an Eastern Orthodox perspective. - http://www3.kumc.edu/diversity/ethnic_relig/lent_eo.html
Lent - Collection of songs related to Lent. Includes lyrics and sound files. - http://www.missionstclare.com/music/lent.html
Lent: Call to Conversion - Includes articles, prayers, answers to common questions, and audio and video clips related to Lent. - http://www.americancatholic.org/Features/Lent/
About.com -- Lent - Links and articles related to Protestant observances of Lent. - http://protestantism.about.com/religion/protestantism/msub21.htm
All About Lent - Provides answers to common questions about the annual observance. - http://www.cin.org/users/james/files/lent.htm
The Season of Lent - Brief overview tells when the season is celebrated, how, and why. Also includes an in-depth explanation of what people can hope to accomplish through Lent. - http://www.kencollins.com/holy-04.htm
The Forty Days of Lent - Readings from the early church fathers on Scripture and Lenten themes. - http://www.rc.net/wcc/readings/lent.htm
Lent - Passion of Christ - Includes Papal messages, hymns, articles, meditations, and links. From the Catholic Information Network. - http://www.cin.org/cinlent.html
Praying Through Lent and Easter - Provides prayers for Lent and Easter. Includes a collection of prayers for children. - http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/season/