Seven Thunders - An ecumenical religious organization based on the Christian contemplative tradition as interpreted by Fr. Willigis Jaeger, OSB, and from the Zen Buddhist tradition of the Diamond Sangha. Sitting groups in Lafayette, Port Angles, and Corvalis, Oregon. -
What Is Zen Buddhism? - An analysis of Christianity and Zen, by Ming Zhen Shakya, a Ch'an Priest. -
Meetingbrook Dogen & Francis Hermitage - Offers side-by-side practice and study of Zen Meditation and Christian Contemplative Prayer. -
Meetingbrook Hermitage - A quiet place for practice and study of Christian contemplative prayer and Zen meditation. -
Monastic Interreligious Dialogue - MID was established by the Benedictine Confederation in 1978 to assume a leadership role in the dialogue between Christianity and Buddhism by developing conversations, encounters, and mututal exchange between monastics of different religions. -
Jesus Through Buddhist Eyes - The bodhisattva from Nazareth. - - Stuff and nonsense about Zen, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, and Meditation. -
Zazen and Christianity - Talk given by Yamada Roshi. "Zen is not a religion, in the same sense that Christianity is a religion. Therefore, there is no reason why Christianity and zazen cannot co-exist. Almost all Buddhist sects can be called religions. Zazen, however, is q -