The Merton Institute for Contemplative Living - The Merton Institute aims to awaken interest in contemplative living through the works of Thomas Merton to promote Merton's vision for a just and peaceful world. Information about Thomas Merton, calendar of events, retreats, programs, conferences, publica -
Finding Aid for the Thomas Merton Papers at Columbia University - Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, art work, audio cassette, printed materials by and about Thomas Merton. -
The Thomas Merton - Edward Rice Correspondence - This Georgetown University collection contains thirteen letters of the correspondence between the Trappist monk Thomas Merton and the writer, artist, and photographer Edward Rice, written between the years 1959-1967. -
Thomas Merton Archives at St. Bonaventure University - The Merton Archives at St. Bonaventure University is one of the most important repositories of Merton materials worldwide. Its holdings include manuscripts and typescripts of his earliest journals, along with drafts of books and articles, letters, associa -
Thomas Merton's Marian Poetry - A collection of poems honoring the Virgin Mary written by Thomas Merton. Includes a page of photos of Merton. -
Thomas Merton: Man of Many Journeys - This essay by Sister Marie de Lourdes discusses Thomas Merton's inner and outer journeys that led from a youthful attempt to escape the world via the dark night of divine unknowing to a mature effort to fathom God's presence at both the world's heart and -
Ninth General Meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society - 2005 - The official site of the Conference, titled Revelation of Justice, Revolution of Love: Thomas Merton's Message for a New Millennium, to be held June 9-12, 2005 at the University of San Diego. -
Thomas Merton: Celebrity Monk - Transcript of a radio broadcast in which John Russell examines Thomas Merton's life and work. Lawrence Cunningham and Monica Furlong, two of Merton's biographers, and Father Michael Casey, an Australian Trappist monk, are interviewed. Includes rare archiv -
International Thomas Merton Society - Promotes an understanding and appreciation of the character of Thomas Merton and encourages study and research that will help to make better known the unique contribution he has made to the literature of spirituality. -
The Thomas Merton Connection - Article by Alan Altany asks what Merton was seeking in his exploration of Buddhism. [Hundred Mountain] -
Merton, Thomas - Short biobibliographical entry in the Columbia Encyclopedia. -
Thomas Merton Monk and Poet - Web site dedicated to Thomas Merton and includes Merton retreats, journals, and links. -
Thomas Merton Center - The Thomas Merton Center is the official repository of Merton's artistic estate which includes over twelve hundred photographs and eight hundred drawings in addition to his writing. The Center archives over forty-five thousand Merton-related materials. -