Galerie Sublimatio
- The Transfigurative and Esoteric Art of A. Andrew Gonzalez
Dan Aug - Artist from Uruguay combining Egyptian mysticism with the lore of our alien ancestors. -
Art of Joan Bredin Price - A gallery of paintings and prints of the Twenty One Taras paintings accompanied by corresponding verses of traditional prayers. Includes samples of the book and Lotus and Rose Tarot deck. -
World Religions in Art - An introduction to five major world religions, accompanied by photos of religious objects that are works of art. From the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. -
The Weaving of the Crystal River - Visionary artwork and literature of meditation, contemplation, mysticism, and spiritual paths. - - Drawings, watercolors, oil paintings, and water sculptures including abstract surrealism by Nori Muster. Also features affirmation writings, and information on I Ching, as well as general information on the Hare Krishna movement, and book recommendations -
Invocation: Hands to God - A multimedia presentation by Jim Vecchi with the human serving as subject, symbol, and metaphor for the mystical experience of merging with the divine. Shockwave required. -
Enlightenment or Salvation? - A site dedicated to the iconic image of Buddha and Jesus Christ. Travel from the original deity to the complex symbolism, that make up orthodox iconography. -