Himalayan Art
- Features over 1500 artworks from Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, India, China and Mongolia. Art from leading private and museum collections, accompanied by scholarship, cataloging and interpretation.
- http://www.himalayanart.org/
Buddha Image Archive - Several dozen Buddha images for downloading. - http://www.flyvision.org/sbm/bia/
Korean Sokkuram - World Heritage Stone Cave Hermitage, featuring Korean Buddhist Images, Deva and Boddhisattva images. - http://www.stone.biz/eng/seokguram/
Buddhist Manuscripts of the Great Silk Road - Virtual tour of the "Exhibition of Buddhist Manuscripts and Block Prints" at the National Library of Austria. - http://www.lotossutra.at/english/start_e.htm
What Web! Online Mindful Poetry Zone - Selections from the book "What Book: Buddha Poems from Beat to Hiphop," edited by Gary Gach, Parallax Press, 1998. - http://www.levity.com/interbeing/whatweb.html
Dharmapala Centre - School of Thangka Painting in Nepal - http://www.bremen.de/info/nepal/
The World of the Buddha Footrprint - In early Buddhism the most popular symbol was of the Buddha's footprints. Scholar Dr. Waldemar C. Sailer presents studies about the history and significance of the Buddha footprints existing in 15 Asian countries. - http://www.buddhafootprint.com
Urthona Magazine - Explores the arts and Western culture from a Buddhist perspective providing insightful coverage of the arts - http://www.urthona.com
The Maitreya Project - Building a 500 foot statue of Maitreya, the future Buddha at Kushinagar in eastern Uttar Pradesh India. A symbol of loving kindness for the world. - http://www.maitreyaproject.org/
Nezu Institute of Fine Arts - Includes paintings, calligraphy, sculpture, ceramics, textiles, metal, wood, and Buddhist art. - http://www.nezu-muse.or.jp/index_e.html
Asian Art Gallery - Online gallery of Buddhist art. - http://www.asianart-gallery.de
Dunhuang Cave Art - Dunhuang was at the hub of cultural exchanges between China and the West along the "Silk Road". So, the cave art of Dunhuang possesses a special geographical and cultural significance. The cave art derived from the style and technique of Buddhis - http://www.ignca.nic.in/ks_19026.htm
Mahayana Art by Brian Barry - A selection of artworks, translations, and articles by this Seoul-based American Buddhist artist - http://www.bbbudart.com
Himalayan Art - The Himalayan Art Project web page features over 1500 artworks from Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, India, China and Mongolia. - http://www.himalayanart.org/choose.cfm
Buddhist Art and Architecture - About the symbolism behind hand mudrus and mandalas, and the perfect proportions behind every Buddha figure. - http://www.buddhanet.net/gallery.htm
Stupas - Stupas are Buddhist monuments traditionally containing relic(s) of the Buddha. This site covers their history, meaning, symbolism; and links to stupas both finished and under construction all around the world. - http://www.stupa.org.nz/
The Huntington Archive Home Page - Archive of Buddhist and Related Art. A Photographic Research and Teaching Archive at Ohio State University. - http://kaladarshan.arts.ohio-state.edu/
Psychedelic Art by Hans Taeger - A gallery of psychedelic sketches and diary pages of the early 70's by Hans Taeger. Quotes concerning the interrelations between psychedelics, Buddhism and meditation. - http://www.iol.ie/~taeger/psydicky/psydicky.html
Mandala - Information about the Tibetan Mandala. - http://www.jyh.dk/indengl.htm
Everyone's Mandala Coloring Book - Monique Mandali, M.A., is a transpersonal psychotherapist in private practice in Billings, Montana. Monique uses mandalas in her own work with clients and presents workshops and retreats that heal body, mind, and spirit. - http://www.mandali.com/
Chinese and Japanese Art links - Chinese and Japanese Art History Virtual Library Links - http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/fineart/html/chinese/links.html#Section6
Asian Arts - Exhibition of Asian Arts. - http://www.asianart.com/