PatriotDuty - Vietnam War stories and images. - Vietnam War battlefield images and stories captured by United States Army soldiers during the year of the conflict. Sergeant Major Higgins spent years documenting his many experiences in Vietnam and has made these pictures and commentary available. -
The Other Casualty of War - A small online book written by Vietnam Veteran Paul Bylin relating his experience in Vietnam. -
365 And A Wake Up - Joe Pursel - A book in the making by a Northwest writer and Viet Nam veteran. Explores the lighter side of the Viet Nam war. You can contribute your story and possibly get credit. -
Sarge Lintecum's Jungle - Combat tested Vietnam blues, the baddest blues in the Jungle - endorsed by Lee Oskar. -
569th Engr. Co - Topo Corps - Vietnam Memories - US Army map making unit at Camp McDermott in Nha Trang, Vietnam: photo galleries, stories, bios, chat board, and contact info. Maintained by John Copeland from carto platoon. -
Its Just a Nam Thing - A tribute to all Veterans that have experienced war. Offers a CD with music for Vietnam Veterans. -
Browning Family Home Page - Pictures of various sites (Pleiku, Quang Tri, Phu Bai, Danang) in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. -