Rice Patty Stew and Saigon Tea - Combat medic tour in Vietnam with 9th Infantry Division 1968-69. - http://www.kerrypardue247.com/
1st Cav Medic (Airmobile) - Experiences of a combat medic in Vietnam. Statistical information, personal responses to student surveys, and viewers questions. Listing of Army medics who died in Vietnam and Medal of Honor recipients who were medics or in the First Cavalry Division. - http://www.1stcavmedic.com/
1964 Vietnam 1975 - History of the Vietnam Wall, Taps, the 1st Cav Division(Airmobile), and the American Flag. Photos, poetry, and tributes. - http://www.hack1966.com
Screaming Eagle - Photos, memorials, and biography. - http://www.screamingeagle326.com
Zink, Bob - Photos and narrative of his Army career: Fort Jackson, Fort Benning, Vietnam, 101 airborn, 502, Hoe, DaNang, 3rd army. - http://bezerker.homeip.net/army