Rice University Spin Control - A long Houston Press story about the administrative coup d'état that closed down 91.7 FM, KTRU Houston, a college radio station. - http://www.houstonpress.com/Issues/2001-01-11/news/feature.html
International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) - Network of free expression groups that monitors violations worldwide. Issues alerts, publishes a weekly newsletter and hosts a searchable alerts online archive. - http://www.ifex.org/
Low Power to the People - Small groups, nonprofits and individuals might get low power FM radio stations. - http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/1999/07/lowpower.html
U.S. Broadcasters Arrested - Reports that nine alternative media members were arrested during peaceful protests at the National Association of Broadcaster's convention in San Francisco. - http://sfbay.indymedia.org/news/2000/09/199.php
Resolution217 - An association of photographers, journalists, teachers, designers and artists brought together by a shared concern for the current state of free speech and human rights. - http://www.resolution217.org/
American Civil Liberties Union - Free Speech - Links to issues such as censorship, campaign finance reform, commercial speech, and flag desecration. - http://www.aclu.org/FreeSpeech/FreeSpeechMain.cfm
Free Speech Movement Archives - Documents, photos, and essays on the events of the 1964 movement in Berkeley. With updates and reunions. - http://www.fsm-a.org/
Suppression of Dissent - Fosters examination of issues including whistleblowing, free speech, systems of social control and action against suppression. - http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/sts/bmartin/dissent/
There Is 'No Constitutional Protected Right' of Freedom of Speech - Argues that there is no constitutional right of freedom of speech or of press in America since a person could be defamed, sued or boycotted. - http://www.udarrell.com/constitutional_freedom_speech_press.html
College Freedom - Academic freedom website, including free speech, freedom of the college press, and current controversies in higher education. - http://collegefreedom.org/
Keep the Pledge of Allegiance - Opposes recent court decision against recitation of Pledge of Allegiance in schools. - http://www.keepthepledge.com/
AskMen.com : Freedom of Speech in Sports - Article discusses pro baseball player John Rocker's inflammatory racist statements and his right to freedom of expression. - http://www.askmen.com/sports/fanatic/fanatic7.html
Off The Hook June 2000 - Twenty-six Hundred dot com pages on challenges to their free speech on hacking computers. - http://www.2600.com/offthehook/2000/0600.html
Save Pacifica Radio - Group to restore democratic voice to governance by the community, for the community of progressives of Pacifica Radio. - http://www.savepacifica.net/indexa.htm
Freedom of Expression - Freedom Magazine - Perhaps the most essential right is that of communication. Without the freedom to communicate, other rights deteriorate. - http://30th.freedommag.org/page29.htm
Campaign Against Online Publishers Fails - A lawsuit ends Commodity Futures Trading Commission's campaign against online publishers and software developers. Details case to protect rights of those who offer opinions, analysis, or general information on commodities (like prices) in exchange for com - http://free.ij.org/
New Age of Falsification ? - Nature photographers face a crisis of ethics as digital imaging makes photo fakery easier than ever. Overview in Atlantic Monthly of May, 1998. - http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/98may/photo.htm
Atheism and Intraorganizational Free Speech (1996) - Michael Martin argues that atheistic organizations should generally allow their members to criticize them. - http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/michael_martin/free_speech.html
MIT Student Association for Freedom of Expression (SAFE) - SAFE provides links on censorship search engine, arguments against campus political correctness as it affects free speech. - http://www.mit.edu:8001/activities/safe/home.html
Free Expression Network - Current news, features and trend analysis in free expression issues in U.S. - http://www.freeexpression.org/
Whistleblowers Australia - The goal of Whistleblowers Australia (WBA) is to help promote a society in which it is possible to speak out without reprisal about corruption, dangers to the public and other vital social issues, and to help those who speak out in this way to help themse - http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/sts/bmartin/dissent/contacts/au_wba/
The Freedom Forum Online - A nonpartisan, international foundation advocating free press and speech rights for all people. Holds conferences, educational activities, publishing, broadcasting, online services, fellowships, partnerships, research and other programs. - http://www.freedomforum.org/