The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press - Provides free information and a hotline for journalists and media lawyers. Also delivers up-to-date information on legal cases centering on First Amendment issues. -
First Amendment Center - Provides information, links, and commentary on a wide array of First Amendment issues. -
First Amendment and Press Freedom. - Essay from James C. Goodale on the First Amendment. "Goodale served as general counsel to The New York Times when the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the Times could continue to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers." -
Thomas Jefferson's Bill for Religious Freedom in Virginia - Overview of the original draft that led to the inclusion of guarantees of religious freedom for the individual and a separation between church and government into the first amendment. -
Would the Real First Amendment Please Stand Up? - Provides an opinion that the general public beliefs are a misinterpretation of the first amendment. Includes an online book discussing interpetations and details. -
The First Amendment Handbook - Provides a guide to how this amendment effects the "press". Contains information on the rights of reporters in different situations and venues. -
LII Supreme Court Decisions: Symbolic Speech - References legal documents related to cases involving the freedom of speech in relation to an individuals right of expression. Provides case history and court rulings. -[group+f_symbolic+speech:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?
LII Supreme Court Decisions: Commercial Speech - References legal documents related to cases involving the freedom of speech in relation to advertising. Provides case history and court rulings. -[group+f_commercial+speech:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?
LII Supreme Court Decisions: Freedom of Religion - References legal documents related to cases involving the freedom of speech in relation to expression of religious beliefs. Provides case history and court rulings. -[group+f_freedom+of+religion:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?
LII Supreme Court Decisions: Freedom of the Press - References legal documents related to cases involving the freedom of speech in relation to the responsibilities of the press regarding public defamation of character. Provides case history and court rulings. -[group+f_freedom+of+the+press:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?
LII Supreme Court Decisions: Political Speech - References legal documents related to cases involving the freedom of speech in relation to an individuals right of association and freedom of assembly. Provides case history and court rulings. -[group+f_political+speech:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?
LII Supreme Court Decisions: Fighting Words - References legal documents related to cases involving the freedom of speech in relation to public discussion of religion. Provides case history and court rulings. -[group+f_fighting+words:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?
LII Supreme Court Decisions: Freedom of Assembly - References legal documents related to cases involving the freedom of speech in relation to an individuals associations. Provides case history and court rulings. -[group+f_freedom+of+assembly:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?
LII Supreme Court Decisions: Flag Desecration - References legal documents related to cases involving the freedom of speech in relation to desecration of a United States flag. Provides case history and court rulings. -[group+f_flag+desecration:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?
LII Supreme Court Decisions: Freedom of Speech - References legal documents related to cases involving the freedom of speech in relation to the dissemination of obscene or objectionable material. Provides case history and court rulings. -[group+f_freedom+of+speech:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?