APOLNET - Alcohol Policy Network - Ontario Public Health Association site devoted exclusively to Canadian alcohol policy issues; designed to stimulate informed discussion about various aspects of alcohol policy. - http://www.apolnet.ca/
UMHS DrinkWise - Program by University of Michigan Health System for people with mild to moderate alcohol problems. - http://www.med.umich.edu/drinkwise/
Moderation Management - A recovery program and national support group network for people who have made the decision to reduce their drinking and make other lifestyle changes. - http://www.moderation.org/
College Drinking: Changing the Culture - Resources for changing the college drinking culture. Includes research and approaches to prevention, with interactive tools for students and educators. - http://www.collegedrinkingprevention.gov/
Alcohol Abuse Prevention: Some Serious Problems - Articles question the honesty and integrity of eight organizations in the field of preventing alcohol abuse. The author is David Hanson, Ph.D., a professor emeritus at State University of New York. - http://www.alcoholfacts.org/
Alcohol Epidemiology Program at the University of Minnesota - Research program to discover effective community and policy interventions to reduce alcohol-related social and health problems. Includes findings, and information about effective policies. - http://www.epi.umn.edu/alcohol/
History of Alcohol Prohibition - Summary of policies in the United States from the colonial period through the repeal in 1933 of the Prohibition (21st) Amendment to the Constitution. Includes references. - http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/Library/studies/nc/nc2a.htm
Alcohol Stats - Created by Anheuser-Busch to highlight research and statistics regarding alcohol abuse, drunk driving, and responsible consumption. - http://www.alcoholstats.com
Bottomless Pitchers - The flow of alcohol ads and cheap-drink specials aimed at college students may be one factor in high rates of binge drinking. - http://csmonitor.com/2002/0521/p11s03-lehl.html
FACE - Truth and Clarity on Alcohol - A national non-profit organization that supports sensible alcohol practices through the development of messages, strategies, and training. - http://www.faceproject.org
The Century Council - The American distilling industry's organization fighting drunk driving and illegal underage drinking through alcohol education, law enforcement, legislation and retailer support. - http://www.centurycouncil.org/
R U Pissed? - Contains an online alcohol blood alcohol content calculator. - http://www.rupissed.com/
Intoxication: Its Benefits and Costs - Intoxication is rewarding for precisely the same reason it produces suffering - it diminishes the influence of remote stimuli. - http://www.alcohol-drug.com/myopia.htm
CC Speaks - College campus alcohol issues speaker that carries a message about health and abuse. - http://www.ccspeaks.com
Texas Safety Network - Specific to Texas. Includes information about how online alcohol sales negatively affect dry counties, tax revenue, and underage consumers. - http://www.texassafetynetwork.org/
AIM - Alcohol In Moderation is an organization promoting a sensible and moderate drinking message. Information from scientific researchers, the beverage alcohol industry and associations, on research, health issues and legislation. - http://www.aim-digest.com/
The Washington Regional Alcohol Program - Tackles underage drinking and drunk driving in greater Washington, DC., including providing sober rides. - http://www.wrap.org