Drunk or Not? - Visitors rate people's level of inebriation on a scale of 1 to 10. - http://drunkornot.com
American Beverage Institute - Lobbying organization of alcohol-serving establishments that promotes responsible recreational drinking and attempts to counter anti-alcohol campaigns. - http://www.abionline.org/
40oz Malt Liquor dot COM - 40-ounce beer bottles photographed and reviewed, drunk photos, malt liquor parodies and a message board. - http://www.40ozmaltliquor.com/
Play Now Act Now - Information resource concerning alcohol and university students promoting safer celebrations. - http://www.playnowactnow.net.au
Alcohol Stuff - British site aimed at drinkers worldwide. Drinking games, newsletter, jokes and alcoholic paraphernalia. - http://www.alcohol-stuff.co.uk/
Shrine to Spirits - Ratings and descriptions of well known spirits like vodka, rum and whiskey, as well as more obscure types such as mezcal and chiew. - http://www.physics.uq.edu.au/people/nieminen/spirits.html