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  Waste (47)

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Featured Websites in this category
Featured Site Sierra Club Nuclear Waste Task Force Open in a new browser windowLink Details
- Very comprehensive site focused on nuclear waste. Includes news, policies, maps and links. Locate nuclear related information including international.
- http://www.sierraclub.org/nuclearwaste/

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Regular Websites in this category

Waste Disposal in the Arctic Seas Open in a new windowLink Details
- Results and conclusions of International Arctic Seas Assessment Project (IASAP) IAEA supported study.
- http://www.iaea.org/Publications/Magazines/Bulletin/Bull391/specialreport.html

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An Epic and Open Exploration of Nuclear Issues Open in a new windowLink Details
- Environmentalist newsletter DOEWatch site on nuclear issues particularly around Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
- http://www.doewatch.com/

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UK Radioactive / Munitions Dumping Open in a new windowLink Details
- Celtic League information on secret nuclear dumping in the UK including Sellafield.
- http://www.manxman.co.im/cleague/archive/bombs.html

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OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Radioactive Waste Management Programme Open in a new windowLink Details
- The NEA's goal is to assist member countries in radioactive waste management, developing safe management and disposal strategies for spent fuel, long-lived waste, and waste from the decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
- http://www.nea.fr/html/rwm/

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Tonawanda Nuclear Site Info Open in a new windowLink Details
- Up-to-date educational resource maintained by citizen-scientist chronicling ongoing government mismanagement of nuclear wastes from former Manhattan Project uranium refinery in Tonawanda, NY.
- http://bfn.org/nuclear

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Nuclear Waste Disposal Issues in Fort Hancock, Texas Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provide information about nuclear waste disposal and how society deals with important social issues involving scientific and technical problems.
- http://www.geo.utep.edu/pub/sierra_blanca.html

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Biological War on Waste Open in a new windowLink Details
- Biological remediation of nuclear waste. The Oak Ridger Online.
- http://www.oakridger.com/stories/022900/new_0229000036.html

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The Sub-Seabed Solution Open in a new windowLink Details
- Article in the Atlantic Monthly about long term storage of radioactive waste beneath the ocean floor.
- http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/96oct/seabed/seabed.htm

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Deadly Radiation Hazards USA Open in a new windowLink Details
- Map and database of significant nuclear facilities in the US compiled from government sources.
- http://www.prop1.org/prop1/radiated/drh.htm

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Gulf of the Farallones Disposal Issues Open in a new windowLink Details
- U.S. Geological Survey info on an area offshore of San Francisco, California. Ocean dump used to dispose of 47,800 containers of low-level radioactive waste between 1946 and 1970.
- http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/farallon/index.html

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Energy Net Open in a new windowLink Details
- Originated from the Abalone Alliance. Working to halt operation and construction of nuclear power plants in California including action on Diablo Canyon nuclear power facility and Ward Valley waste dump.
- http://www.energy-net.org/

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U.S. Nuclear Manufacturing and/or Waste Sites Open in a new windowLink Details
- CQS Health and Environment list
- http://www.cqs.com/enuclear.htm

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Nuclear Guardianship Library Open in a new windowLink Details
- Resources for developing the political, technical and moral understanding required for the responsible care of radioactive materials for many generations.
- http://www.nonukes.org/ngl.htm

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Great Canadian Nuclear Waste Saga Open in a new windowLink Details
- Full text books by Walter Robbins on storage of high-level waste in the Canadian shield. Info on Accelerator Transmutation of Nuclear Waste.
- http://www.web.net/~robbins/

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Keep Yellowstone Nuclear Free (KYNF) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Campaign against plutonium waste incinerator at Jackson Hole, Wyoming. United States Department of Energy (DOE) has agreed to halt its plan to build a plutonium waste incinerator at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL).
- http://www.yellowstonenuclearfree.com/

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Eureka County Nevada Nuclear Waste Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes recent news articles, maps, photos, links, FAQ, time-line, publications, and legislative information related to the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Also info on transportation of high-level radioactive waste.
- http://www.yuccamountain.org

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Waste In The West Siberian Basin Open in a new windowLink Details
- Russian scientists began discharging liquid radioactive waste to rivers and reservoirs and injecting waste into the groundwater some 50 years ago. Scientists are working on remediation strategies at the three Russian sites.
- http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/12/981204131112.htm

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