- Comprehensive technical guide to radioactive waste technology and management. Includes categorized directory with links.
- http://www.radwaste.org
U.S. DOE - Nuclear Waste Storage - Documents prepared by the Office of Environmental Management (EM) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Describes the various types of waste, the storage technology and the methods used. - http://www.em.doe.gov/Pages/wmdi.aspx
South Carolina Radioactive Waste Disposal Program - Information about the State-owned low-level radioactive waste disposal facility in Barnwell County. Provides customer access information. Includes numerous technical documents on history, policies and practices. - http://www.energy.sc.gov/index.aspx?m=8
U.S. NRC: Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel - Fact sheets from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on spent fuel transportation. Addresses regulation aspects and initiatives. - http://www.nrc.gov/waste/spent-fuel-transp.html
California Radioactive Materials Management Forum - Association of users of radioactive materials and generators of low-level radioactive waste in Arizona, California, North Dakota and South Dakota, which primary interest is the safe management and disposal of low-level radioactive waste. - http://www.calradforum.org
Svensk Kärnbränslehantering (SKB) - Information about Swedish waste management technology and the search for a disposal site for spent nuclear fuel. Includes background on the company formed to handle the waste. [Swedish, English] - http://www.skb.se/
Nuclear Waste Scientific Program - Assist the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and other international organizations in solving the problem of the safe disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Includes information radioactive waste management. - http://www-esd.lbl.gov/NW/index.html
NEA - Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) - Information resource prepared by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). Defines high level waste, explains necessity for disposal and options available, addresses costs and safety issues. - http://www.nea.fr/html/rwm/
Congressional Research Service Reports - Reports collection on current spent fuel storage from the National Council for Science and Environment. - http://www.ncseonline.org/NLE/CRSreports/Waste/
Office of Spent Nuclear Fuels (SNF) - Supports the Hanford site cleanup mission by safely moving spent nuclear fuel away from the Columbia River. Includes photos, press releases, program description, goals, methods and progress. - http://www.hanford.gov/doe/snf/
Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials - Agency concerned with radioactive waste and its management in Belgium. Provides information about radioactivity, collaborative activities and information center. - http://www.nirond.be/engels/1_index_eng.html
La Hague Reprocessing Plant - Recycles irradiated materials and conditions nuclear waste into suitable final form. Includes technical information about plant operations, environment impact, regulation and safety. - http://www.cogemalahague.com
Board on Radioactive Waste Management (BRWM) - Committee of the National Academy of Sciences concerned with safe management of radioactive wastes including spent fuel, high-level, transuranic, low-level, and mixed waste and naturally occurring radioactive materials. Includes scientific and technical - http://www7.nationalacademies.org/brwm/
U.S. DOE - Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) - Office of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) assigned to develop and manage a federal system for disposing of spent nuclear fuel from commercial and military nuclear activities. Includes comprehensive technical information on the projects and on the repo - http://www.ocrwm.doe.gov/
U.S. NRC - Radioactive Waste - Information from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) about types of regulated waste and activities, responsibilities and related information. - http://www.nrc.gov/waste.html
Pahrump Nuclear Waste Advisory Committee - Committee established in the unincorporated town of Pahrump, Nevada, to advise the town on nuclear waste issues. Introduces the members and their areas of expertise, and gives information about the work of the committee. - http://nstg.nevada.edu/PAHRUMP.html
Nuclear and Risk Technologies Center - Information resource from the Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) about waste management. Includes documents related to research and analyses on Yucca Mountain, waste isolation pilot plant, and legacy waste management. - http://www.nwer.sandia.gov/
Nuclear High Level Waste Disposal Project - Data on a number of experimental projects in hydrofracture for radioactive waste disposal from the Internet Community of Geological Engineers. Includes background information on nuclear fuel and waste management. - http://www.hydrofrac.com/hfn_home.html
Grimsel Test Site - Deep underground rock laboratory in the Swiss Alps operated by a consortium of countries and companies investigating long-term chemical and nuclear waste disposal. Describes planned and ongoing research projects in radionuclide transport, rock characteriz - http://www.grimsel.com
Waste Management in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle - Briefing paper by the Uranium Information Center, Australia on nuclear waste management as a part of the fuel cycle. Includes a list of waste disposal practices worldwide. - http://www.uic.com.au/nip09.htm
U.S. NRC - Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel - Information from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) about storage options and regulations. Includes regulatory initiatives reports and regulatory guides. - http://www.nrc.gov/waste/spent-fuel-storage.html
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Fact Sheets - A series of fact sheets on various aspects of low level waste handling, storage and disposal produced by the Ohio State University. - http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~rer/
U.S. DOE - National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program - Fact sheets from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on spent fuel issues and background. Includes program mission, lessons learned, progress, spent fuel data and contact information. - http://nsnfp.inel.gov/
Transportation Resource Exchange Center - Provides documents, databases, and links to the people, organizations, and programs that are involved in the transport of radioactive materials. - http://www.trex-center.org
Expertise on Nuclear Waste Management - Information from the organization responsible for radioactive waste management in Finland. Includes news and technical information. [English, Finnish, Swedish] - http://www.posiva.fi/englanti/index.html
Nuclear Waste Project Office - Information from the State of Nevada Nuclear Waste Project Office (NWPO) about the Yucca Mountain and Nevada test sites. Includes news, policy, legal, nuclear waste transportation and technical issues. - http://www.state.nv.us/nucwaste/
Radioactive Waste Repository Authority - Ensures the safe disposal of existing and future radioactive waste in the Czech Republic. Includes information on research, development and activities. [Czech, English] - http://www.vidivici.cz/surao/starta.htm
U.S. DOE - Central Internet Database (CID) - Data and reports from the US Department of Energy (DOE) on spent fuel and radioactive waste inventories, waste management and sites cleanup. Includes interactive site profile reports. - http://cid.em.doe.gov/
U.S. NRC - Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses - Federal research and development center sponsored by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to resolve technical and regulatory issues related to geologic high level nuclear waste repository. Includes brochures and technical information about geophy - http://www.swri.org/4org/d20/d20home.htm
Private Fuel Storage - Consortium of electric power companies that have partnered with the Goshute Indians to build and operate a safe, clean, temporary storage facility on the tribe's reservation in Skull Valley, Utah, USA. Includes project information, news, resources, FAQ an - http://www.privatefuelstorage.com/
NEA - Transmutation of Radioactive Waste - Program of the NEA Data Bank of the OECD. Includes a general introduction to transmutation of radioactive waste, information on Transmutation with nuclear, accelerator-based transmutation, and chemical aspects of transmutation. - http://www.nea.fr/html/trw/index.html
U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board - Independent agency of the U.S. Government with purpose of providing independent scientific and technical oversight of the U.S. program for management and disposal of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. - http://www.nwtrb.gov/