Unsustainable.org - Columns on how trade deficits are damaging the American economy. - http://www.unsustainable.org/
Dani Rodrik - Rodrik is Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard and provides online many papers on international trade and Globalization issues of a technical and non-technical nature. - http://ksghome.harvard.edu/~.drodrik.academic.ksg/papers.html
Philippe Legrain - Articles by freelance economics writer, former special adviser to WTO director-general Mike Moore and Economist journalist, currently writing a book about globalisation. - http://www.philippelegrain.com/
Globalization and the Sum of All Fears - International trade changes the way weapons are made and sold around the world. And globalization is linked to new efforts to put weapons in space. [About.com] - http://globalization.about.com/library/weekly/aa071002a.htm
Is "globalization" exaggerated? Fad vs. reality - Shows how international trade is not much more important now than it was a century ago, and documents the "new global economy" media fad. - http://www.swiss.ai.mit.edu/~rauch/misc/globalization/
Globalization: A Computerworld Special Report - Discussion and links about Globalization, focusing on Information Technology issues, as businesses move onto the world stage. - http://www.computerworld.com/news/2001/story/0,11280,56162,00.html
AboutGlobalization.com - Essay which focuses on economic impact on third world workers along with visitor feedback. Somewhat pro-Globalization. - http://www.aboutglobalization.com
Liberalization Dogma Shipwrecked - By Serge Halmi.Article from Le Monde Diplomatique (1998) contending the worldwide financial crisis was result of basic flaw of free-market beliefs. - http://mondediplo.com/1998/10/02halimi
Globaloney - Jim Hightower commentary contending that globalization represents "a global corporate coup against We the People to seize power so that they might reign as sovereigns." - http://www.populist.com/99.12.hightower.globaloney.html
Foreign Policy In Focus: Democratizing the Trade Debate - Article by Lance Compa emphasizes importance of actively pressing for citizen involvement in trade debates and negotiations to balance influence of corporate elites. - http://www.foreignpolicy-infocus.org/briefs/vol3/v3n23trad.html
No Trade, No Gain - Trying to stifle free trade would also stifle innovation and progress, contends article by John V. Nye in Reason magazine. - http://reason.com/9605/Co.NYEtrade.html