Working Class Movement Library - A collection of materials concerned with the activities, expression and enquiries of the labor movement, its allies and its enemies, since the late eighteenth century. [Salford, UK] -
Graveyards of Chicago: John Peter Altgeld - Grave marker photograph and short biography of the Illinois governor who pardoned participants of the Haymarket Riots and refused to send in troops against the striking railway workers. -
Address to the National Labor Union of the United States - From the minutes of the General Council meeting, May 11, 1869, as taken by George Eccarius. -
Child Labor - Article about child labor in the 19th century by David Cody, Associate Professor of English, Hartwick College. -
The Campaign to End Child Labor - Documentary history of the campaign to end child labor in the U.S. in the early 1900s, with contemporary photographs, political cartoons, poems, essays and books. -