France - Agence France Trésor - With details of all French government debt instruments including BTAN, OAT, OATi and OATei, and the monthly AFT bulletin. In English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese and Italian. -
France - CADES - A Social Security Debt Repayment fund that finances the debt accumulated by the French national security scheme from 1994 to 2006. -
Finland - Finance Unit of the State Treasury - The Monthly Bulletin, a statistical publication containing information on central government debt, government borrowing, risk management and Finnish economy. -
Singapore Government Securities - With results of recent auctions and a calendar of forthcoming announcements and auctions. -
Turkish Treasury - Information on debt securities and the financing program. -
German Finance Agency - Explanation of Bundesanleihen (Bunds), Bundesobligationen (Bobls), Bundesschatzanweisungen (Schatze) and other German debt instruments, and other press releases. -
Norway - Kommunalbanken - The Norwegian local government funding agency that provides low cost loans to Norwegian local governments. -
Spain - Tesoro Público - Auction results, and details of newly syndicated debt. -
Belgium - Federal Public Debt Department - Explanation of OLOs and Treasury Certificates, economic figures and news releases. Other information in French and Dutch. -
Israel - Ministry of Finance - The Government Debt Management Unit of the Israeli Ministry of Finance, with prospectuses and ither debt information. -
Argentine Public Debt Information - Press releases and other information pertaining to the Argentine debt exchange. -
Brazil - Tesouro Nacional - With notices, mostly in Portuguese but also in English, relating to Brazil's domestic national debt. -
South Africa - Asset and Liability Management - The Asset and Liability Management Branch of the South African National Treasury, with news releases relating to CPI and gilt issuance. -
Nigeria - Debt Management Office - Office responsible for clearing all Nigerian government debts for all levels. Includes news, programmes and debt tracking. -
Italy - Dipartimento del Tesoro - Forthcoming BTP, BOT, CCT and CTZ issuance, and other information about Italian government debt. -
Japan - Ministry of Finance - Planned bond issuance, auctions announcements and results, information about financing bills and Japanese-guaranteed foreign bonds. -
Ireland - National Treasury Management Agency - Detailed description of the Irish debt program, and information about the economy and the National Pensions Reserve Fund. -