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  Central Banks (182)

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Bosnia - Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina Open in a new windowLink Details
- Legislative structure, history, directories of banks and other associations, notes and coins, and statistical reports.
- http://www.cbbh.ba/

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Swiss National Bank Open in a new windowLink Details
- General remarks on price stability and relevance of LIBOR to monetary policy, rules on monetary-policy repo tenders, schedule of forthcoming speeches, data and statistics.
- http://www.snb.ch/

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Sri Lanka - Central Bank of Sri Lanka Open in a new windowLink Details
- Daily SLIBOR and exchange rates, monthly bulletin and prices at open market operations.
- http://www.cbsl.lk/

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Malawi - Reserve Bank of Malawi Open in a new windowLink Details
- The publications including the minutes of the MPC meetings.
- http://www.rbm.mw/

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Kenya - Central Bank of Kenya Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a weekly bulletin describing financial conditions.
- http://www.centralbank.go.ke/

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China - State Administration of Foreign Exchange Open in a new windowLink Details
- Press notices from mainland China's FX management agent.
- http://www.safe.gov.cn/

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Laos - Bank of the Lao P.D.R. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes current FX prices and information on the currency and legislation.
- http://www.bol.gov.la/

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Tunisia - Central Bank of Tunisia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Currency museum, history of credit ratings, and steps towards full convertibility of the currency.
- http://www.bct.gov.tn/

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South African Reserve Bank Open in a new windowLink Details
- Bank supervision acts and regulations, money-market operations, statement of policy on forward FX trading, press releases, monetary-policy statements, and about the South African Reserve Bank College.
- http://www.reservebank.co.za

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Zimbabwe - Zimdollar Open in a new windowLink Details
- RBZ-sponsored information on the dropping of three zeroes from the Zimbabwe dollar, albeit retaining the ZWD code.
- http://www.zimdollar.co.zw/

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Tonga - National Reserve Bank of Tonga Open in a new windowLink Details
- With information on the law, bank supervision, government bonds, currency and numismatics.
- http://www.reservebank.to/

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Azerbaijan - National Bank of Azerbaijan Republic Open in a new windowLink Details
- History of policy rates and T-bill issuance, spot FX rates, the bank's internal stucture, and addresses of regional offices.
- http://www.nba.az/

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Venezuela - Banco Central de Venezuela Open in a new windowLink Details
- Has some press releases and financial statements in English, and more content in Spanish.
- http://www.bcv.org.ve/

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Afghanistan - Da Afghanistan Bank Open in a new windowLink Details
- With legal and other information about Afghanistan's central bank.
- http://www.centralbank.gov.af/

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Iran - Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran Open in a new windowLink Details
- With information about the currency, the bank, and governing legislation.
- http://www.cbi.ir/

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Botswana - Bank of Botswana Open in a new windowLink Details
- Legislation, speeches, a list of financial institutions, and information on Pula-denominated government bonds.
- http://www.bankofbotswana.bw/

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Rwanda - National Bank of Rwanda Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information on bank supervision and monetary policy in English and French.
- http://www.bnr.rw/

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Tajikistan - National Bank of Tajikistan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Banking and payments news in English, Russian and Tajik.
- http://www.nbt.tj/

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Sierra Leone - Bank of Sierra Leone Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes banking guidelines for diamond exporters.
- http://www.bankofsierraleone-centralbank.org/

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Liberia - Central Bank of Liberia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes information on the check-clearing system.
- http://www.cbl.org.lr/

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Estonia - Bank of Estonia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Daily FX fixings, monetary policy framework, Estonian banking system, Estonian banknotes and coins, and papers on the EU accession process.
- http://www.bankofestonia.info/

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Swaziland - Central Bank of Swaziland Open in a new windowLink Details
- With an explanation of the central bank's mission, monetary surveys back to 1980, and bill tenders.
- http://www.centralbank.org.sz/

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East Timor - Banking and Payments Authority of Timor-Leste Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes the balance sheet of the Autoridade Bancária e de Pagamentos de Timor-Leste.
- http://www.bancocentral.tl/

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Croatian National Bank Open in a new windowLink Details
- List of banks, policy tools, regulations and legislation, economic and financial statistics, and information on coins and banknotes.
- http://www.hnb.hr/

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Ethiopia - National Bank of Ethiopia Open in a new windowLink Details
- History of financial Institutions in Ethiopia; about the Ethiopian Institute of Banking and Insurance (EIBI); and results of weekly auctions of foreign exchange.
- http://www.nbe.gov.et/

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El Salvador - Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador Open in a new windowLink Details
- Structure of the financial system, monthly statistical bulletin, and mission statement.
- http://www.bcr.gob.sv/

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Andorra - Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finances Open in a new windowLink Details
- With information on the Andorran financial system in English, Spanish, French and Catalan.
- http://www.inaf.ad/

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Gambia - Central Bank of The Gambia Open in a new windowLink Details
- With information on foreign exchange, government securities, and the structure of the financial system.
- http://www.cbg.gm/

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Nicaragua - Banco Central de Nicaragua Open in a new windowLink Details
- With annual reports and bulletins of the Central Bank of Nicaragua, statistics, and economic indicators. Current information in Spanish, most documents available in English.
- http://www.bcn.gob.ni/

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Taiwan - Central Bank of China Open in a new windowLink Details
- FX statistics, financial institutions, government bond and treasury bill auctions (excel format), monetary policy announcements, and information about new banknotes and coins.
- http://www.cbc.gov.tw/

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Iraq - Central Bank of Iraq Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes information on the daily dollar auctions, the governor, and the rebuilding of Iraq's financial architecture.
- http://www.cbiraq.org/

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Lithuania - Bank of Lithuania Open in a new windowLink Details
- Publications, balance sheets of credit institutions, banknotes, and an explanation of the change in the currency peg from USD to EUR at the start of February 2002.
- http://www.lb.lt/

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Kyrgyzstan - National Bank of Kyrgyz Republic Open in a new windowLink Details
- Legal staus, foreign exchange laws and monetary policy.
- http://www.nbkr.kg/

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Bhutan - Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Describes the RMA's legal status, roles, and has the text of relevant laws.
- http://www.rma.org.bt/

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Suriname - Centrale Bank van Suriname Open in a new windowLink Details
- With pictures of items in the collection of The Numismatic Museum of the Centrale Bank van Suriname.
- http://www.cbvs.sr/

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Vanuatu - Reserve Bank of Vanuatu Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a brief history, pictures of commemorative coins and information about the regulation of financial services.
- http://www.rbv.gov.vu/

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Northern Cyprus - Central Bank of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes some of the main banking regulations and a list of banks.
- http://www.kktcmb.trnc.net/

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Belize - Central Bank of Belize Open in a new windowLink Details
- About the bank's mission and organizational structure, and some economic information.
- http://www.centralbank.org.bz/

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Serbia - National Bank of Serbia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Formerly the National Bank of Yugoslavia, site has history and organization, regulations, monetary policy, the banking system, and how to form a bank.
- http://www.nbs.yu/

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Cuba - Banco Central de Cuba Open in a new windowLink Details
- Comments on monetary policy, on bank supervision, and on the BCC's moves towards a gross real-time settlement system.
- http://www.bc.gov.cu/

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Somaliland - Bank of Somaliland Open in a new windowLink Details
- Also known as Baanka Somaliland; site has a list of departments, branches and directors.
- http://www.somalilandgov.com/bank.htm

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Albania - Bank of Albania Open in a new windowLink Details
- Site includes minutes of the meetings of the Supervisory Council.
- http://www.bankofalbania.org/

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Libya - Central Bank of Libya Open in a new windowLink Details
- The monetary authority in the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Includes some recent laws, a brief history, and more content in Arabic.
- http://www.cbl-ly.com/

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Nigeria - Central Bank of Nigeria Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes a history of Nigerian monetary policy and of Nigeria's foreign exchange market, press releases, and statistics on government finances and on the economy.
- http://www.cenbank.org/

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Bahamas - Central Bank of the Bahamas Open in a new windowLink Details
- Brief summary of monetary policy, foreign exchange regime and regulatory environment.
- http://www.centralbankbahamas.com/

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Papua New Guinea - Bank of Papua New Guinea Open in a new windowLink Details
- Explanation of the objectives and implementation of monetary policy, the rules of exchange controls, and the operation of the government securities market.
- http://www.bankpng.gov.pg/

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Macau - Monetary Authority of Macau Open in a new windowLink Details
- History, goals, structure, regulatory orders for banking and insurance, economic statistics and a list of commemorative coins.
- http://www.amcm.gov.mo/

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Chile - Central Bank of Chile Open in a new windowLink Details
- Origin and history and policy objectives.
- http://www.bcentral.cl/

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Mongolia - Bank of Mongolia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Monthly bulletins, banking law, monetary statistics, history and banknotes.
- http://www.mongolbank.mn/

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Namibia - Bank of Namibia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Balance sheet, payment system, exchange control rules, and announcements of auctions of government debt.
- http://www.bon.com.na/

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United Arab Emirates - Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates Open in a new windowLink Details
- Organisation, and brief comments on the state of the economy and the tools it uses.
- http://www.cbuae.gov.ae/

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China - People's Bank of China Open in a new windowLink Details
- Speeches, statistics, rules and regulations for and supervision of financial institutions.
- http://www.pbc.gov.cn/english/

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Sudan - Bank of Sudan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Economic indicators, spot FX, annual reports and contact details.
- http://www.bankofsudan.org/

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Brunei Currency Board Open in a new windowLink Details
- History, legislation, and currency statistics.
- http://www.finance.gov.bn/bcb/bcb_index.htm

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Samoa - Central Bank of Samoa Open in a new windowLink Details
- Mission, annual reports and monetary surveys, and speeches.
- http://www.cbs.gov.ws/

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Ukraine - National Bank of Ukraine Open in a new windowLink Details
- Law, financial statements, spheres of activity, and pictures of the banknotes.
- http://www.bank.gov.ua/

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Uganda - Bank of Uganda Open in a new windowLink Details
- Staff papers, annual reports, occasional reports on the state of the economy, and information about the BoU's various credit programmes.
- http://www.bou.or.ug/

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Sweden - Riksbanken Open in a new windowLink Details
- Economic and financial data for Sweden, FX reserves, and information on government debt.
- http://www.riksbank.com/

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Oman - Central Bank of Oman Open in a new windowLink Details
- About the bank and contact information, monthly and quarterly bulletins, and information about commemorative coins.
- http://www.cbo-oman.org/

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Nepal Rastra Bank Open in a new windowLink Details
- Quarterly economic bulletin, basic economic indicators, information about the rural self-reliance fund and a history of Nepalese capital markets.
- http://www.nrb.org.np/

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Mauritius - Bank of Mauritius Open in a new windowLink Details
- List of commercial banks and application forms for T-Bill purchases.
- http://bom.intnet.mu/

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Maldives Monetary Authority Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes copies of the Quarterly Economic Bulletin.
- http://www.mma.gov.mv/

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Kazakhstan - National Bank of Kazakhstan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Brief explanation of monetary policy, banknotes and coins, and daily FX quotations.
- http://www.nationalbank.kz/

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Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Open in a new windowLink Details
- Currency museum, stock quotations and press releases.
- http://www.sama.gov.sa/

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India - Reserve Bank of India Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information about monetary policy and operations, issues of government securities, financial and economic statistics, and the RBI museum.
- http://www.rbi.org.in/

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Solomon Islands - Central Bank of Solomon Islands Open in a new windowLink Details
- Annual and quarterly reports, monthly economic bulletins, Currency collectibles, and tenders of Solomon Islands Government Treasury Bills.
- http://www.cbsi.com.sb/

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Ghana - Bank of Ghana Open in a new windowLink Details
- History of the bank and contact information.
- http://www.bog.gov.gh/

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Morocco - Bank Al-Maghrib Open in a new windowLink Details
- Annual report and monetary statistics.
- http://www.bkam.ma/

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Bangladesh Bank Open in a new windowLink Details
- Also known as the "Central Bank of Bangladesh". About the financial system, the convertibility of Taka, and economic and statistical data about the economy.
- http://www.bangladesh-bank.org/

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Lebanon - Central Bank of Lebanon Open in a new windowLink Details
- Economic and financial data, exchange and payments systems, the history of the Lebanese pound, and information on the banking and financial sectors.
- http://www.bdl.gov.lb/

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Belarus - National Bank of the Republic of Belarus Open in a new windowLink Details
- Background, monetary policy guidelines, and list of banks (both open and closed).
- http://www.nbrb.by/

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Fiji - Reserve Bank of Fiji Open in a new windowLink Details
- Working papers, regulatory framework, currency collectables, and a webcam giving the best view from any central bank.
- http://www.reservebank.gov.fj/

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Lesotho - Central Bank of Lesotho Open in a new windowLink Details
- Rural finance and credit scheme, central bank acts and exchange control orders.
- http://www.centralbank.org.ls/

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Trans-Dniester Republican Bank Open in a new windowLink Details
- History and press releases.
- http://www.cbpmr.net/

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Aruba - Central Bank of Aruba Open in a new windowLink Details
- History, legislation and decrees, and economic statistics.
- http://www.cbaruba.org/

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Guyana - Bank of Guyana Open in a new windowLink Details
- Banking, financial-sector and economic statistics, legal tender, legal and regulatory framework, press releases and contact information.
- http://www.bankofguyana.org.gy/

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Argentina - Central Bank of the Argentine Republic Open in a new windowLink Details
- Mission statement, and list of financial institutions.
- http://www.bcra.gov.ar/

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Russia - Bank of Russia Open in a new windowLink Details
- History, balance sheet, press notices, and data release calendar.
- http://www.cbr.ru/

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Peru - Central Reserve Bank of Peru Open in a new windowLink Details
- Monetary operations, periodic and special reports, and facts about the BCRP.
- http://www.bcrp.gob.pe/

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Brazil - Central Bank of Brasil Open in a new windowLink Details
- Inflation reports, regulations, economic and statistical information, payment system, and history.
- http://www.bcb.gov.br/

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Qatar Central Bank Open in a new windowLink Details
- Structure, law and descriptions of banks.
- http://www.qcb.gov.qa/

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Poland - National Bank of Poland Open in a new windowLink Details
- Structure, governing legislation, economic statistics, and a list of banks in Poland.
- http://www.nbp.pl/

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Trinidad and Tobago - Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Open in a new windowLink Details
- Economic commentary and outlook, monetary statistics, and daily inter-bank interest rates.
- http://www.central-bank.org.tt/

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Philippines - Central Bank of the Philippines Open in a new windowLink Details
- Objectives, functions, calendar of economic releases, and an list of answers to FAQ about the peso's depreciation.
- http://www.bsp.gov.ph/

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Mozambique - Bank of Mozambique Open in a new windowLink Details
- History, financial and credit statistics, and MAIBOR rates.
- http://www.bancomoc.mz/

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Macedonia - National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Monetary policy mechanism, payment system, and exchange-control rules.
- http://www.nbrm.gov.mk/

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Turkey - Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Open in a new windowLink Details
- History, structure, governing law, and financial and statistical data delivery system.
- http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/

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Zambia - Bank of Zambia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Economic and financial data, BoZ publications and press releases.
- http://www.boz.zm/

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Tanzania - Bank of Tanzania Open in a new windowLink Details
- Debt buyback information, list of registered banks and supervision regulations, payment system, bond bill auction details and application forms, and the Bank of Tanzania Training Institute.
- http://www.bot-tz.org/

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Slovakia - National Bank of Slovakia Open in a new windowLink Details
- Annual Report, monetary and macroeconomic information, banking information, legislation and the Museum of Coins and Medals.
- http://www.nbs.sk/

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