Quit Smoking with ResolveQS - Product is herb pills, an aversion spray, and cassette tapes. - http://www.resolvequitsmoking.com
Quit Smoking Hub - Product is herb pills. No quit effectiveness claim made. - http://www.quitsmokinghub.com
Online Hypnosis - Interactive online audio/video quit smoking program. Makes no quit effectiveness claim. - http://www.virtual-hypnosis.com
MIR Holistics - Product is herb pill based on Ayurveda. - http://www.anticig.com
The I've Quit Process - Product is an audio CD and booklet. Makes no effectiveness claim. - http://www.ivequitsmoking.com
Lightfree - It's a cigarette but you don't light it, you hold it and suck on it; no quit effectiveness claim made. - http://www.lightfree.com
Smoke RX - Herb product; makes no quit effectiveness claim. - http://www.quit-smoking-in-7-days.com/
Final Smoke - Herb pills said to remove nicotine from the body; makes no quit effectiveness claim. - http://www.finalsmoke.com
SmokEnders - Self-study course based on seminar program plus phone consultation; claims 38% quit effectiveness. - http://www.smokenders.com
Fibre shake - Drink claimed to remove nicotine from the body. Makes no quit effectiveness claim. - http://www.stopsmoke.co.za
Actionpact - Product is an online tutorial. No effectiveness claim made. - http://www.actionpact.net/
PhaseOut - Pokes holes in the filter, which is claimed to reduce nicotine. Effectiveness: the company "disclaims all warranties, including fitness for a particular purpose." - http://www.holgers.com/
Personal Perforator - Product pokes holes in the filter which is claimed to help tapering down. No effectiveness measurements presented. - http://www.usarc.net/
Stop smoking for good - Offers a 10 piece educational audio stop smoking kit. - http://stopsmokingforgood.com
Release for Life - Product is a book, exercises, meditation CD, and stop smoking clinics. - http://releaseforlife.com
Naturstopp - Product is herb drops. No effectiveness claim made. - http://www.naturstopp.com
Joelle Publishing - Sells a quit-smoking book and on-site training courses. - http://www.joellepublishing.com
NicoBloc - Product is corn syrup drops claimed to block nicotine when dropped on the cigarette. - http://www.nicobloc.com
Smokexit - Product is a manual or workbook. - http://www.smokexit.com
Botanics - Product is herb pills. No quit effectiveness claim made. - http://www.purebotanics.com
Therapy Store Smoking Cessation Program - Stop smoking program uses Lifesign product to help users to quit smoking, chewing or dipping nicotine products. - http://www.therapy-store.com
Filtered Cigarettes - Product is a device claimed to filter nicotine from the cigarette; no quit effectiveness claim made. - http://www.filteredcigarettes.com/
LivingFree - Online quit smoking program; makes a claim of 60-80% effectiveness, based on unpublished or uncited research. - http://www.selfhelpworks.com
Quitting in Time - Booklet and audio cassette. - http://www.quittingintime.com
System 4 - Information and ordering instructions about a filter-based progressive method of reducing your dependency on nicotine, making it easier to quit smoking. - http://www.system4.co.uk/
Cig-No - Herbal spray claimed to create an aversion to smoking. No quit effectiveness claim made. - http://www.ggginc.com/cigno/
Nicotine Free Cigarettes - Cigarettes made from the cocoa bean don't contain nicotine. Makes no quit effectiveness claim or safety claim. - http://nicotinefreecigarettes.com
Crush the Habit - Product is a rubber stress ball in shape of cigarette pack; you squeeze it instead of lighting up. No effectiveness claim made. - http://www.crushthehabit.com/
Stopring - A ring that you put on your finger is said to make smoking awkward. No quit effectiveness claim made. - http://www.stopring.com/
Stop Smoking Now - Laser pointer claimed to be a quit smoking, quit drinking, quit drugs, and lose weight product. - http://www.stopnow.ca
CigArrest - Herbal pills, gum, and lozenges. Makes a safety claim but not an effectiveness claim. - http://cigarrest.com
Mint Snuff - Non-tobacco chew made of mint claimed to be an alternative to, or way of quitting, chewing tobacco or smoking. Makes a safety claim (safe to eat) but not a quitting effectiveness claim. - http://www.mintsnuff.com/
Gama Health Systems - Product is herb pills. No effectiveness claim made. - http://aquitsmoking.com
The Smoke Stop - Sells "the Cure" which is a technique. No quit effectiveness claim made. - http://www.thesmokestop.com
Ciganot Inc. - Offering a smokeless cigarette to address the hand-to-mouth portion of the addiction. - http://www.ciganot.com
Stop Smoking Recovery Programs - Quit smoking program, including books, tapes, and videos, videos with closed-captioning for the hearing impaired, cessation treatment, sobriety. No effectiveness measurements presented. - http://www.davidcjones.com/
Smokers Edge - Cigarette alternative, which contains no tobacco or nicotine. - http://www.smokersedge.com/
101QuitSmoking.com - Sells several cessation aids. - http://www.101quitsmoking.com/
Cigamint - Mint inhaler shaped like a cigarette. No quit effectiveness claim made. - http://www.cigamint.com
Nicobrevin - Product is pills; doesn't say what they contain. Claimed to calm nerves and reduce craving. No quit effectiveness claim made. - http://www.nicobrevin.com
One Step at a Time - Set of four filters. Each filter claimed to remove progressively more tar and nicotine, which is then claimed to wean smokers from addiction. No effectiveness measurements presented. - http://www.cigarettefilters.com
Lifesign - Small electronic timer that tells you when you can have your next cigarette; used for tapering off. Effectiveness measurements: about 25% of customers were smokefree 18 months later, about 40% for customers who also were in group counseling. - http://www.lifesign.com
Hypnotist M. Vance Romane - Romane promotes his seminars, tapes, and videos, for weight loss and quitting smoking. The usual testimonials; no measurements of effectiveness provided. - http://www.vanceromane.com
One-Day-at-a-Time SmokeStoppers Program - Based on 23-year SmokeStoppers program. Online course and assistance. Makes no effectiveness claim. - http://www.smokestoppers.com
Butt It Out - Claims to have Health Canada and FDA approval. Product is herbs, in pills or spray form. No effectiveness measurements presented. - http://www.buttitout.com/