Celebrate Recovery Gear - Chips for varying lengths of program success in Celebrate Recovery, Christ-centered recovery groups at Saddleback Church. These tokens may be used in other fellowships. - http://www.celebraterecoverygear.com/
Songs to Quit Drinkin' - Alcoholism Recovery Music - CDs or tapes "I Think I'll Quit Drinkin' Today" and "People With No Last Names" for recovering alcoholics. Find wit, wisdom, and fun in this music - http://www.quitdrinkin.com/
Syndistar - Substance abuse prevention and awareness products provide a consistent "no use" message for use in schools. Topics include, alcohol and tobacco awareness, club drugs, meth, cocaine, heroin, and inhalants. - http://www.syndistar.com/browse/drugs
Kelly Productions,Inc - Specializing in Self help video tapes, audio cassettes, and books on drug and alcohol abuse and dysfunctional lifestyles. Includes some by Father Martin. - http://www.kellyproductions.com/
Drink/Link - Offering self-study and phone counseling programs designed to reduce reduce alcohol consumption. Also offering nutritional supplements and gift certificates. - http://www.drinklinkmoderation.com/
Beer, Booze, & Books - A resource for students, faculty and administrators seeking information about alcohol issues on college campuses today. - http://www.beerboozebooks.com/