Wolf Woman - Original designs for tapestry and needlepoint in kits. Galleries include floral, Egyptian and the Bayeux tapestry. - http://www.wolfwomantapestry.com
Snailspace Tapestry - Original designs for cushions and eyglass cases, including animals and geometrics. - http://www.snailspacetapestry.co.uk
Moot House Designs - Designs include animal images, birds of paradise and abstract originals. - http://www.moothouse.com
Najlas Tramme and Needlepoint - Trammed canvas and yarns to complete main design, featuring florals. - http://www.najlasboutique.com/
Tapisserie de France - Medieval, classic or original styles. English-French site. - http://www.tapisseriedefrance.com/
Isobel Hunt Embroidery - Designs based on antique textiles from the Orient and around the world. - http://www.isobelhunt.com/
Ehrman Tapestry - Features British textile designers including Kaffe Fassett, Elian McCready and Beth Russell. - http://www.ehrmantapestry.com/
Hills Tapestry Designs - Malcolm Hill offers charted portrait tapestries from photographs. - http://www.hillstapestrydesign.com.au/
Starsigns in Needlepoint - Personalisable designs based on the 12 astrological signs, including information sheet describing the myth linked to each sign. - http://www.astrological-needlepoint.co.uk/
Studio Stitches - Original designs by Barbara Reinfeld. - http://www.studiostitches.com.au
Bozo Needlepoint Dog Collars - Original and personalizable designs for dog owners. - http://www.dogscollars.com/
Jazz Design - Jill Milne's canvaswork for decorative panels, cushions, pillows and seat covers using tapestry wools or hand-dyed cotton threads. Including landscapes, jazz age, and Matisse. - http://www.jazz-design.co.uk/
Cleopatra's Needle - Lancaster, UK manufacturer offers footstool covers, pin cushion/scissors keepers, spectacle cases, cushions and herb pillows. - http://www.cleopatrasneedle.co.uk/
Janet Granger Designs - Miniatures for dollshouses, to make carpets, cushions, footstools, samplers, wallhangings, and needlework stands, in 1/12th scale. - http://www.janetgranger.co.uk/
Rainbow Tapestry - Features a selection of imported Primavera tapestry. Includes florals, gardens, and Shaker designs. - http://rainbowtapestry.com/
The Bold Sheep - Original designs by Louise Ellwood, a textile designer from Lancashire. Colorful contemporary textiles. - http://www.theboldsheep.co.uk/