Stitchery Shop - Offers stitchery kits, counted, stamped, and no-count cross stitch, needlepoint, crewel, charts, books, needlework, fabrics, supplies and accessories. -
Dinsdale Embroideries - Supplying embroidery kits, crewel, needlepoint, goldwork, cross-stitch, surface stitchery, metallic, cotton, rayon threads; evenweave, aida fabrics, hand-made paper. -
W and R Murray - Offers, kits, charts, hardanger, threads, tapestry, needlework supplies, threads, floss, linen, aida, by mail order. Based in Scotland. -
Sew and So - Kits and charts for cross stitch, longstitch, needlepoint, blackwork, crewel, and other embroidery. Winnie-the-Pooh, Disney, Looney Tunes, James Herriott, Lilliput Lane, William Morris. -