Royalwood Ltd. - Antlers, bamboo, basket parts, kits, books, caning supplies, dyes, stains, embellishments, gourds, handles, hoops, reed and rattan, fiber and natural rush, sea grass, shaker tape, tools and links. Martha Wetherbee and Nantucket supplies also. -
Atkinson's Country House - Offers a wide selection of reeds, dyes, hoops, handles, seagrasses, tools, books, videos, kits, paints, wax linen, patterns, frames, and wires, -
The Country Seat, Inc. - Basketry and chair seating supplies. Carries reeds (natural, smoked, pre-dyed, space-dyed), hoops, handles, Shaker tape, kits for all skill levels, natural and Hamburg cane, fiber rush, mini stencils, pine needles, vine rattan, books, and patterns. -
Basket Patterns - Offers kits, books, cane, bases, embellishments, handles, coiling, pine needle art, gourd weaving, hoops, patterns, raffia, reed, sea grass, shaker tape, stains, dyes, stencils, and weaving tools. -