The Working Woodlands Trust - Illustrates traditional English woodlands crafts, including the making of baskets, besoms, charcoal, and hurdle fences, and bodging. Also presents information about woods in Yorkshire and the Midlands, and lists events at fairs. -
Wendy Durfey - Contemporary basket weaving, exploring the technique of double wall baskets with the use of silk fusion, paper, metal and bamboo. -
English Basketry Willows - History, techniques, identification guide and products. -
Great Basin Basketmakers - A guild based in Reno, NV celebrating the 10,000 years of basket arts within the geographic Great Basin of the United States. Information on monthly meetings and workshops. -
BasketMakers - An informational site with a forum, tips, resources and articles. -
Basketry Information - Lists information about basket making - classes, guilds, sources of materials, meetings, exhibits, collections, books, videos, and magazines. -
Werner Turtschi - Information about baskets, basketmaking, willows and other things related to basketry. -
Virtual Basketmakers Guild - Group of artisans and crafters sharing a love of baskets and woven vessels. Includes a gallery displaying both traditional and contemporary baskets. -
Klamath River Baskets - Study of the baskets made by early native Californians -
Just Patterns - Magazine published quarterly, every issue contains four or more basket patterns. -