American Coal Foundation - Develops, produces and disseminates coal-related educational materials and programs designed for teachers and students. -
China Coal Information Network - Information about the country's coal resources, mine safety, coalbed methane, clean coal technology, and other research and development. -
Gladstone Centre for Clean Coal - Central Queensland University organization providing information on research being undertaken throughout the world on the efficient and environmentally responsible use of coal. -
Center for Applied Energy Research - University of Kentucky center conducting studies on topics including advanced coal beneficiation, utilization, conversion and process technologies, fuel use and coal combustion by-products. -
The Clean Combustion System - Describes and offers an advanced hybrid coal gasification / combustion process that prevents NOx and SO2 emissions when burning coal. -
Coal Quality Database (USGS) - Information on location, quantity, and quality of coal resources in the US. -
World Coal Institute - Extensive information about coal, its formation, its utilization, its role in the economy, clean coal technology, coal and the environment, and related topics. -
Illinois Clean Coal Institute (ICCI) - State of Illinois (U.S.) coal research and development program with emphasis on continued utilization, environmentally clean burning, and new markets for Illinois Basin coals. Located at the Illinois Coal Development Park in Carterville, Illinois. -