Planet Earth: An Introduction to Earth Sciences - Online text by Roger N. Anderson of Columbia University. Covers origins of the earth and life, plate tectonics, and formation and deformation of continents. -
Earth Science World - American Geological Institute resources for teachers and students. Includes searchable database of earth images, geologic time scale, and interactive features. -
Geography Site: Physical Geography - Illustrated descriptions and explanations of earthquakes, plate tectonics, glaciers and glacial landforms, and volcanoes and volcanic deposits, intended for students up to age 16, but suitable for a wider audience. -
Strata: William Smith on the Web - Publications of the father of modern geology, who first drew a chart of the strata under the surface of the earth. Printable version of Smith's famous geologic map of England. -
Wieczorek, Jozef - Research on the geology of the Tatra mountains and other publications by this researcher. -
Evolving Earth Foundation - Earth science and natural science resources, articles and online education. -
Walter Geology Library - Listing of virtual and on-line geologic field trip guidebooks. -
Photo Geo Gallery - Image gallery of European geology. -
Geoscapes Photography - Geologic and natural history landscape photography of the western United States and Pacific islands. -
Pangaea - An information system aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing data from global change research with special emphasis on geological, marine and environmental sciences. -