Hull Geological Society - UK society which publishes "Humberside Geologist." Site includes membership information and schedule of events. -
Irish Association of Economic Geology (IAEG) - Professional association for geoscientists in Ireland. Includes membership information, position openings, events announcements, and publications. -
Craven & Pendle Geological Society - An amateur society based in north west England. Particularly concerned with Carboniferous geology and the Crinoidea. -
East Tennessee Geological Society - Society for amateur and professional geologists interested in the geology of Tennessee -
Geological Society of Malaysia - Promotes the advancement of earth sciences in Malaysia and South East Asia. -
CHRONOS - A GeoInformatics project involving individuals, groups, and organizations to create a dynamic framework for Earth history research. -
East Texas Geological Society - Society for the education and networking of Oil/Gas Professionals and Geologists and Geophysicists. -
Alabama Geological Society - Promotes geology as a profession and as a science; offers scholarships, professional workshops, and field trips. -
Essex Rock and Mineral Society - Amateur geological society with field trip reports, lecture programme, events calendar and articles. -
International Association for Obsidian Studies - Information on the major interest areas of the IAOS including obsidian hydration dating, obsidian characterization ("sourcing"), geoarchaeological obsidian studies, obsidian and lithic technology and the prehistoric procurement and utilization o -
Yorkshire Geological Society - Scientific organization with an interest in all aspects of geology, principally in Northern England and adjacent areas. -
Calgary Mineral Exploration Group Society - The Society endeavours to promote public understanding of the Earth Sciences and the business interests of its members; Alberta, Canada. -
Geological Society of Nevada, Southern Chapter - Organization based in Las Vegas which holds monthly seminars in geology. Annual field trip to sites of geologic interest. -
Aberdeen Geological Society - Informal group with organises a series of lectures aimed at amateur and professional geologists. Also information about field trips and geological field guides. -
International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) - Non-governmental scientific organization which promotes and supports the study of geological problems of world-wide significance, and facilitates international and interdisciplinary cooperation in the earth sciences. -
NAGT - National Association of Geology Teachers -
Geological Association of Canada - A national geoscience society, publisher and distributor of quality geoscience publications and journals, including Geoscience Canada, GEOLOG, Geotext, and Palaeontographica Canadiana. -
Society for Organic Petrology - For scientists and engineers involved with coal petrology, kerogen petrology, organic geochemistry and related disciplines. -
American Geological Institute (AGI) - A nonprofit federation of 32 geoscientific and professional associations that represent geologists, geophysicists, and other earth scientists. Information services to geoscientists, geoscience education, and strives to increase public awareness of the rol -
The Geological Society of America - Advancing the geosciences, enhancing the professional growth of its members, and promoting the geosciences in the service of humankind. -
Tooele Gem and Mineral Society - Dedicated to promote and educate amateur enthusiasts of gems, minerals, fossils and lapidary. -