The British Lime Association - Details of the techniques, benefits, construction process and future developments in the use of quicklime and hydrated lime in soil stabilisation . -
World Enzymes Australia - Enzyme based polymer products for soil stabilization and waste control. Case studies. Downloadable technical information on zip files. Part of Mitebridge Pty., Ltd. -
Cement Soil Mixing in Soft Ground - A short abstract by Peter J. Nicholson detailing the use of cement for soil mixing. It includes treated soil characteristics, construction methods and equipment, and quality control and testing. -
SDII Global Corp - Engineering, services and materials testing for the geotechnical, geophysical, geological and forensic sciences. Pre-development activities, and civil and engineering design and support services for geotechnical applications. -
A Quarter Century of Geotechnical Research - A report from the Federal Highway Administration which summarizes geotechnical research and development activities during the past 25 years. The report includes significant accomplishments in the areas of bridge foundations, ground improvement, and soil a -