GROW: Geotechnical, Rock and Water Resources Library - Collection consists of resources from the web and resources developed by team members in the areas of geotechnical, rock, and water engineering. -
The Civil Engineer Discussion List - Forum to discuss civil engineering affairs where people interested in this topic will have the chance to learn things, to provide and get information and answer their questions. -
The New Engineering Contract - Supply a suite of contract documents and guidance books and a range of support services comprising training, consultancy and a users’ group - - Provides general information about civil engineering concepts with an emphasis on the manager. -
Canadian Civil Engineering History & Heritage - A digital collection showcasing Canadian Civil Engineering History & Heritage, sponsored by Industry Canada. -
Technology and Environment - designed to bring together the various participants and technologies in building related activities. Includes a range of technical documentation and publications, and links to related resources . -
R.S. Means Building Glossary - A searchable dictionary of construction terms . -
Resources of Scholarly Societies - Created by compilers at the University of Waterloo Library to facilitate access to websites maintained by or for scholarly societies across the world. -
British Construction Industry Awards - Open to building and civil engineering projects which demonstrate all-round excellence. Any project in the United Kingdom is eligible as is an overseas project where there is significant involvement by British firms. -
Civil and Environmental Engineers Forum at Eng-Tips - Technical support forums and mutual help system for engineering professionals. Selling and recruiting forbidden. -
A Sightseer's Guide to Engineering - Travel guide highlights engineering achievements throughout the United States. -
American Society of Civil Engineers' Database - Search on a variety of engineering topics, from construction and design and structural engineering, to hydraulics and hydrology and surveying. Provides access to over 80,000 bibliographic and abstracted records. -
Center for Geotechnical Centrifuge Modelling - The UMCP geotechnical centrifuge is a 30,000 g-lb, 3m diameter, 200g modelling facility located in the Civil Engineering Laboratories at the University of Maryland. -
Thomas Telford Ltd - Recruitment and training services, conferences, and publications. Commercial arm of The Institution of Civil Engineers . -
WWW Virtual Library: Civil Engineering - Searchable database of links organized into commercial, educational, organizational, and journal groups. -
Advanced Materials for Construction - Research topics include composites and light-weight concrete. From the Civil Engineering Research Foundation. -
HydroFrac - Engineering portal for geoengineers interested in hydraulic fracturing in site stress measurements. -