Lexical Approach to L2 Teaching - A digest of research on this topic, compiled by Olga Moudraia. - http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/0102lexical.html
Using the Internet to Enhance Language Teaching - Paper by Anne P. McConnell, presenting various examples and techniques for different levels. - http://academics.smcvt.edu/amcconnell/Teaching/main.htm
The Silent Way - Information from Cuisenaire about this teaching method, developed by Caleb Gattegno. - http://www.cuisenaire.co.uk/languages/sway.htm
Principles of L2 Teaching Methods and Approaches - A concise description of major methods that have featured in the history of language teaching. - http://coe.sdsu.edu/people/jmora/ALMMethods.htm
Gladys C. Lipton - Noted figure in US foreign language teaching. Provides extensive information about the FLES* method for teaching foreign languages in elementary schools. - http://www.gladys-c-lipton.org/