jbofi'e - jbofi'e is a program that checks grammar and translates Lojban texts. Related utilites are also available. - http://www.rpcurnow.force9.co.uk/jbofihe/index.html
Lojban Tiki - Various information about and in Lojban. Lojbanic culture, slang, literary conventions and proposals for new vocabulary. - http://www.lojban.org/tiki/
Lojban - An interactive, user-contributed work-in-progress textbook for learning Lojban. - http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Lojban
ARJ's Lojban Pages - Essays on Lojban usage, and some original poetry in Lojban, unofficial gismu, a Lojban hash file for Unix's ispell, and the home page of the channel #lojban on EFnet. - http://arj.nvg.org/lojban/index-en.html
La Tenguar - A proposal to use the Tengwar alphabet to represent the constructed language called Lojban. - http://catb.org/~esr/tengwar/lojban-tengwar.html
Lojban Brochure and Lessons - Current drafts of the introductory brochure and lessons on Lojban. - http://ptolemy.tlg.uci.edu/~opoudjis/lojbanbrochure/
Lojban Resources - List of dictionaries and glossaries currently in the works. - http://www.barsoom.net/lojban/hezekiah/projects.html
Lojban Webring - Main page for the webring of all things Lojban - http://g.webring.com/hub?ring=lojban
Lojban Mailing List - The official Lojban mailing list at Yahoo Groups (formerly eGroups). Both for newbie questions and obscure, technical discussions. Posts can be in English about Lojban, or in Lojban about anything. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lojban/
#Lojban Logs - Logs and statistics for the channel #lojban on the OpenProjects IRC Network. - http://www.miranda.org/~jkominek/lojban/
The Automated Glossary Constructor - A web-based glosser/translator that lets you enter any number of Lojban words, and gives you their English equivalents. - http://www.barsoom.net/lojban/hezekiah/glossary.cgi
Lojban - A Logical Language - A short introductory article about Lojban written by Robin Turner. - http://neptune.spaceports.com/~words/lojban.html
Official Lojban Home Page - Contains current reference materials such as word lists, reference grammar. Also has a collection of sample texts, and various software, including a YACC/LALR machine parser. - http://www.lojban.org/