Ygyde - Description of Ygyde, an auxiliary language. It has the ability to define all meanings in short (7 letters or less) compound words. - http://www.medianet.pl/~andrew/ygyde/ygyde.htm
The Syntax of CycL - A logical language created by Cycorp. The vocabulary of CycL consists of terms. - http://www.cyc.com/cycdoc/ref/cycl-syntax.html
A Grammar of the Ithkuil Language - Ithkuil is a cross between a philosophical language and a logical language, with a unique morpho-phonemic script. It is designed to reflect a high degree of cognitive intent in the most efficient manner. - http://home.inreach.com/sl2120/Ithkuil/
Minyeva: A Systematic Constructed Language - A language designed to reflect the underlying semantics of sentences and semantic organization of words with more regularity than natural languages. - http://minyeva.alkaline.org/
Links to Logical Constructed Languages - List and links prepared by Alkaline creator of Minyeva logical language. Brief useful explanations of and links to other logical constructed languages like Loglan, Lojban, Voksigid, gua!spi, Ceqli, Liva, AllNoun, Danovën, Arovën and CycL. - http://minyeva.alkaline.org/links.htm
Loglan - General information on logical language Loglan founded by James Cook Brown with grammars by Bob McIvor and novels by Alex Leith. - http://www.loglan.org/