TESOL/TEFL/TESL - An information guide on TESOL, TEFL, and TESL degree and certification programs in North America. Also provides a list of leading TESOL programs at the BA, MA, and PhD levels. - http://www.thelinguist.org
Language Revival: Preventing and Reversing Heritage Language Decline and Loss - Aims to help people revive and/or re-acquire declining heritage languages. Educational, linguistic, and film/video resources help heritage communities and groups reverse language loss and achieve cultural continuity. - http://www.languagerevival.com
EUROSLA 17 - Includes information on the 17th European Second Language Association Conference, titled 'Interfaces in Second Language Acquisition Research.' Covers information on the meeting place, accommodation and accepted paper presentations. - http://www.ncl.ac.uk/niassh/eurosla17/
Association for Language Learning - Organization representing teachers of all languages in the United Kingdom. Includes news, publications, membership information. - http://www.all-languages.org.uk/
Hayo Reinders - Applied linguist offering various resources related to the noticing hypothesis, learner autonomy and Computer Assisted Language Learning. - http://www.hayo.nl
Feral Children - Critical Period Hypothesis - Several useful papers, including Locke's suggesting the term 'sensitive period' instead of 'critical period', and Jones' looking at Genie's language acquisition after the critical period. - http://www.feralchildren.com/en/critical.php
A Discussion of Language Acquistion Theories - Descriptions of eight of the different language acquisition theories, and their relevance to both first and second language acquistion. - http://maxpages.com/thena/ladiscussion
A Concept of 'Critical Period' for Language Acquistion - A paper discussing the implications of a 'critical period' of language acquisition for adult language learning. - http://www.tsuyama-ct.ac.jp/kats/papers/kn7/kn7.htm
Language Acquisition - Wikipedia - A useful brief overview of some of the current theories of language acquisition, with references to Chomsky, Lenneberg and the evidence from feral children such as Genie. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_acquisition
Studies in Second Language Acquisition - Journal published by Cambridge University Press. Includes online indices and information for submitters and subscribers. - http://www.indiana.edu/~ssla/
Second Language Acquisition Bibliography - A list of scholarly writings arranged by subtopic, maintained by Vivian Cook. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/vivian.c/SLA/SLABIB/
Language Acquisition - Draft version of a paper on this subject by Steven Pinker. - http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Py104/pinker.langacq.html