UCR Psycholinguistics & Computational Cognition Lab - Psycholinguistics Lab at the University of California, Riverside under the direction of Curt Burgess. The lab focuses on human empirical research and high-dimensional modeling of memory and language. - http://locutus.ucr.edu
Language Disorders Arena - Provides professionals and researchers in the area of Language Disorders and Aphasia with information on the range of Book, Journal and Test publications produced by Psychology Press, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group. - http://www.languagedisordersarena.com
Psycholinguistics Arena - Provides professionals and researchers in the area of Psycholinguistics with information on the range of Book, Journal and Test publications produced by Psychology Press, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group. - http://www.psycholinguisticsarena.com/
Models of Spoken Word Recognition - Summarizes existing models of speech perception and spoken word recognition. Provides key architectural features of each model, a glossary of terminology, and references. - http://delavaux.dreamhost.com/academic/awr_db/index_1.html
SUNY Psycholinguistics Laboratory - Describes the research, personnel, publications and facilities of the Psycholinguistics Laboratory at the University at Buffalo. - http://psychling.buffalo.edu/