Microfit - Microfit, by Pesaran and Pesaran, is a program for analysis of econometric time-series data. - http://www.econ.cam.ac.uk/microfit/
Econometric Time Series Modelling Software - James Davidson's software package; Time Series Modelling (TSMod), shareware for estimating and forecasting linear and nonlinear time series models, with applications to econometrics and finance. - http://www.timeseriesmodelling.com
Cahill Software - Maximum likelihood estimation package (written in C++) which allows construction and testing of new models, in addition to the standard models supplied. Also offer custom programming in C++ or SAS. - http://www.magma.ca/~cahill/
Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library - Cross-platform econometric analysis package written in C. Includes downloadable precompiled binaries for Windows, MacOS and Linux. - http://gretl.sourceforge.net/
Laissez Faire Software - Betahat tool supports the estimation, testing and simulation of economic models. Includes downloadable evaluation version. [Windows] - http://www.lfsoftware.com/
S-Plus - Exploratory data analysis and statistical modeling with over 3,800 data analysis functions, revealing graphics, and the S programming language. - http://www.insightful.com/support/spluslatest.asp
WinSolve - WinSolve is a user-friendly package for solving nonlinear economic models. An evaluation version is available for free download. - http://www.econ.surrey.ac.uk/winsolve/
STAMP - STAMP Software for Structural Time Series Modeling is a software package designed to model and forecast time series based on Structural Time Series models. These models use advanced techniques, such as Kalman filtering, but are set-up to be easy to use. S - http://stamp-software.com/
Matrixer - The homepage of Matrixer econometric software. Russian econometrics freeware. English shareware version. - http://matrixer.narod.ru/
OxMetrics - Integrated software packages for econometric and statistical analysis. Empirical modelling, forecasting and simulation. Multiple time series, limited dependent variables, repeated cross sections and panel data. Programs: Ox Professional, PcGive, TSP, Giv - http://oxmetrics.net/
Stata - Software for statistics, graphics and data management with many econometric procedures and a broad range of user-contributed modules - http://www.stata.com/
PcGive - PcGive is an interactive econometric modelling package providing estimation, forecasting and testing from linear regression and logit to likelihood based cointegration, simultaneous equations, general limited dependent variables, dynamic panels, GARCH, A - http://www.pcgive.com/
RealStat - Real Estate appraisal services and sales of RealStat, an econometric automated valuation software using multiple regression analysis - http://www.realstat.com/
Econometric Software - This site contains an extensive annotated collection of links to econometric software resources, by John Kane. - http://www.oswego.edu/~economic/econsoftware.htm
RATS - RATS, by Thomas Doan, is an econometrics/time-series analysis software package. - http://www.estima.com/
LIMDEP - LIMDEP, by William Greene, is a general econometrics computer program for estimating linear and nonlinear regression models and qualitative dependent variable models for cross-section, time-series and panel data. - http://www.limdep.com
TSP - Time Series Processor. General econometric software, by Bronwyn Hall and Clint Cummins, UC Berkeley. Part of OxMetrics family of software. - http://www.tspintl.com/
SHAZAM - SHAZAM is a comprehensive econometrics package whose primary strength is the estimation and testing of many types of regression models. - http://econometrics.com/